My Ideas and Stories About PAPUA

Making the rich and beautiful resources in Papua become the social economic strength for Papuan has become the long home works. Many people believe that the early start to find the answer is by understanding how Papua looks like, their communities and their special strength. And it can be realize by directly in touch with them. This blogs provides you chance to touch and gets insight ideas, trends and stories about Papua.

Minggu, 04 September 2016

Integrating Land Rights in Conservation: An Opportunity or Challenge for Indonesia?

In Hawaii US, September 3rd Yunus Yumte representing Samdhana Institute and consortium of Indigenous Community Conservation Areas (ICCA) Indonesia speaking in the forum of IPs Rights and Conservation sponsored by the IUCN Commisison on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP). Given and updates of currents opportunities and challenges that Indonesia have in addressing the integration management of conservation areas that bring right of IPs as the foundation. Putting the overall contexts Yunus highlight some keys issues, progress and ways forward that Indonesia and all co-partners should do to realize this. 

Indonesia is the island country in tropics that have high potency of natural resources includes biodiversity. For conservation purposes the government has legally pointed 526 conservation areas that extent in almost 26 million all over archipelago with the largest are in Papua with Lorenz National Park that cover 2,2 million ha and extend from alpine zone into coastal in the island of Papua. Within it the strong values and claim of right by IPs or local community has living for centuries in this conservation are. As Indigenous People Alliance of Archipelago (AMAN) indicated that about 2/3 of classified forests areas are overlap with customary right of IPs. They has also calculated that in total there are about 84 million ha are claim as the customary ownership by the community. All these facts and date were presented by Yunus in this IUCN WCC 2016 session. 

Major challenges that conservation development in Indonesia face are to brings in local IPs rights, local wisdom and their values to be counted and integrated as the pole in sites implementation. Question raised by Yunus "do we want to have the freeze conservation approaches based on government regulation to be implemented or make it more locally adapted and socially integrated with the ways community has acknowledging conservation approaches?". Because talking about conservation in official context are more often be refused by the community in forests areas. Some of them the past experience are simply expressing 3 problems: (1) limitation of community access to the forests resources they are depending on, (2) long process administrative arrangement when they request for any public facilitties inside forests areas and (3) in few cases, decriminalization are always shadowing them for access to limited amount specific legally forbidden forests products. Addition to that Yunus shared the examples of how land use and locally classified forests function that living in Indonesis IPs specifically commmunity in Balliem Valley of Papua (see picture bellow). Recently the ICCA Indonesia recorded 14 initiative of conservation management approaches by Indonesia People includes Territorial Management in Menua Sungai Utik, West Borneo of Dayak Iban (local tribes in West Kalimantan). The Dayak Iban community has maps and delineate their territories together with its detail land uses plan and function recognized by the community.

Make about challenges question are positively answer there are several opportunities emerging in Indonesia both at policy level and action on the ground. As presented the emerging and positive momentum in Indonesia as follow: 

  • Constitutional Court Decision No 35 and 45 of 2012 About Adat/Customary Forests. Which clearly emphasized that customary forests are not the state forests and should be managed follow local wisdom and norms that living with the community. 
  • Environmental Law no 32 of 2009 on Strategic Environmental Assessment. Emphasizing the important of holistic social and cultural studies that potentially impacted by the implementation of any specific regulation, program and policy - include forest function designation. The law also secure the role of community and their access to the resources within their rights. 
  • Ministry of Forestry and Environment Regulation No 76 2015 on Zonation Criteria in Conservation Areas. This new established regulation has enable community to integrates the local wisdom and local zoning into the the current stated zones by having tradition zone that collaboratively assessed and delineated. This also provides an option co-management of conservation areas. 
  • Ministry of Land and Spatial Plan Regulation No 10 of 2016 on Communal Rights. And Ministry of Internal Affair Regulation No 52 of 2014 on Procedures for verification of Customary Rights. 
  • Forests Management Unit (KPH) for Conservation Areas and its management authority. Undestanding the difference of local specific forests problem, the government is developing the decentralize forest management that bringing authority of forests management at district and sites level. Establishment of KPH is seeing could bridge the gaps in currents missing action on the ground by have the forests management institution on the ground.
Reflects to the challenges and emerging opportunities, Yunus aware that there are big home works that needs to be done in clearly translating the legal windows above and packaging it on the applicable contexts. Despite is positive impacts, constitutional court ruling no 35/2012 together with others regulation are not yet working well on the ground. To keep these progressive there are several way forward that ICCAs Indonesia is recommended: 

  • Clean and clear land tenure arrangements for local and indigenous/adat peoples in managing the conservation areas. Expanding and applying proper customary boundary mapping, social study and legal designation referring to the existing regulation are the actions that community in collaboration with other keys actor should do. 
  • Integrate official conservation goals with the customary community development strategies using indigenous knowledge. 
  • Engage local institutions in management of the diverse community based conservation goals. FMU, social forestry scheme and other locally forests management format that provided by Indonesia government are the potential space to take the forward action. 
  • Regulate rights and responsibilities of the actors (local communities, local government and central government ministries) in managing natural resources towards conservation goals. Having a co-management protocols and join implementation program that integrated each ointegrather are crucial to reduce the conflict of access and claim right.
  • Bringing more young people involve in locally conservation management activities. Understanding the problem of sustainability of value and conservation codes, bringing more young people to learn, deeply valuing and absorb the conservation mainstream are crucial to maintain the sustainability of integrated conservation management agenda. 

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