Diawali dengan tarian dan nyanyian penuh semangat yang mengantar pada prosesi adat tikam Babi untuk panggil roh Nenek Moyang Dua Marga Besar di Suku Abun dan Mpur yaitu Wabia dan Yessa acara sidang adat 8 Marga di Suku Mpur dan Abun yang bertempat di Kampung Waibem ini Dimulai. Sidang adat yang digagas oleh Pemerintah Daerah dan difasilitasi aktif oleh Kelompok AKA WUON dan Marwasnath ini berjalan cukup padat, lancar sekalipun beberapa kesepakatan yang diharapkan untuk penataan struktur, kesepakatan batas adat dan penegasan aturan adat dari setiap marga tetap terus berkembang. Selain dari pada proses sosial diskusi yang pada dan sangat dinamis serta pada beberapa sesi ada ketegangan emosional ketika berbicara mengenai kepemilikan Tanah Adat dan sejarahnya saya sangat kagum dengan ketenangan dan kematangan kemampuan fasilitasi yang dijalankan oleh dua kelompok/lembaga yaitu AKA WUON dan Marwasnath. Ya mereka secara keseluruhan adalah pemuda-pemudi dari Tambrauw ini secara sukarela dengan militansi yang tumbuh dari kesadaran akan pentingnya penataan hak dalam upaya pengaturan pemanfaatan SDA berkelanjutan secara aktif memfasilitasi komunitasnya untuk secara serius mendiskusikan hal-hal yang bagi orang luar dinilai sangat sensitif utnuk di angkat.
Stories About Beautiful Papua
Every Single Place In Papua Have Its Stories To Be Shared To Build Other People Understanding About This Island
The Last Frotier Primary Forests
With 42 Million ha of forests, Papua play crucial rules in Indonensia forests development targets.
Women and Natural Resources
Forests or land right are not only about Man. So understanding the roles women and the impact of forests changes to women are also crucial
Our Traditional Value
Papuan Community Have Been Living for Centuries with Their Knowledge and Wisdom in Managing Natural Resources and Practice Best Conservation
For Papuan Generation
Every Works We Do Now Must Be Dedicated To The Future Papuan Generation
Dependency to Forests Resources
Practicing Good Forests Governance in Papus About Understing the Right of Indigenous People and Their Dependency to Natural Resources
All Are Wonderful
You Will Get Good Scene That You May Not Able Somewhere Else - Only In PAPUA
Bitter Nut Is Papuan Favorit Gums
Bitter Nut or In Papua We Call 'Pinang' Is The Local Gum You Can See In Every Corner of the Cities. Papuan People Love To Chewing It. Sometime People Consider It As Contact Material When You Travel to The Village
Papuan Traditional Conservation Practices
For Centuries, Papuan Has Practicing Local Wisdom to Sustainaible Use of Natural Resources. They Have Traditional Education System to Teaching Them How To Interact With Human, Spiritual Power and Understanding The Words Of Nature
Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016
Video: Sidang Adat Abun, Tujuan dan Harapan Penataan Hak-Hak Masyarakat Adat
Diawali dengan tarian dan nyanyian penuh semangat yang mengantar pada prosesi adat tikam Babi untuk panggil roh Nenek Moyang Dua Marga Besar di Suku Abun dan Mpur yaitu Wabia dan Yessa acara sidang adat 8 Marga di Suku Mpur dan Abun yang bertempat di Kampung Waibem ini Dimulai. Sidang adat yang digagas oleh Pemerintah Daerah dan difasilitasi aktif oleh Kelompok AKA WUON dan Marwasnath ini berjalan cukup padat, lancar sekalipun beberapa kesepakatan yang diharapkan untuk penataan struktur, kesepakatan batas adat dan penegasan aturan adat dari setiap marga tetap terus berkembang. Selain dari pada proses sosial diskusi yang pada dan sangat dinamis serta pada beberapa sesi ada ketegangan emosional ketika berbicara mengenai kepemilikan Tanah Adat dan sejarahnya saya sangat kagum dengan ketenangan dan kematangan kemampuan fasilitasi yang dijalankan oleh dua kelompok/lembaga yaitu AKA WUON dan Marwasnath. Ya mereka secara keseluruhan adalah pemuda-pemudi dari Tambrauw ini secara sukarela dengan militansi yang tumbuh dari kesadaran akan pentingnya penataan hak dalam upaya pengaturan pemanfaatan SDA berkelanjutan secara aktif memfasilitasi komunitasnya untuk secara serius mendiskusikan hal-hal yang bagi orang luar dinilai sangat sensitif utnuk di angkat.
Selasa, 04 Oktober 2016
8 Clans from Abun and Mpur Tribes in Tambrauw Conducts Customary Assembly
Conducted with the theme "well regulates customary rights from now to reduce conflict in the future" 8 clans from Abun and Mpur tribes who live and acknowledging customary rights over the north cost of bird head of Papua extent from Sausapor to Saukorem are gathered in 6 days started on September 26 untuk October 1 in Waibem villages to discuss on the issues of customary land right. They are clans Yeblo, Yesnath, Yessa, Yengguir, Sundoy, Wabia, Yokser dan Marga Yokson. Beside these 8 clans, joined in this assembly their family from Byak clans Mambrasar and Mofu and Werimon from Yapen those had moved into the coast of Tambrauw for hundred years with long history of civil hongi wars and koreri expedition but has become parts and influence the social values in Tambrauw. Each of them has prepared and came with the information about their clan history, inheritance, territories, customary governance of rights and the institutional structure of the clan and openly discussion to got the agreement and acknowledgement by others.
Overall assembly went under facilitation by AKA WUON (NGO based in Sorong) and Marwasnath (a new discussion group established by young Abuness). Both groups were did well facilitation and well control the tendency that often raised and psicologically conflict appear among clans once they talked about history and territories. Kundrat Yeudi, the appointed chief of Marwasnath and act as the Coordinator of this assembly on his opening remarks said that this assembly was conducted to: (1) getting comprehensive picture, information and data about history, inheritance that describe the claim over customary land right territories, (2) inventory, sketching the agreed clans territories and building the common recognition of the ownership rights and other rights that binding and recognized is living in community, (3) establishing the community consensus of customary institution governance to creates development climate that advantages to all community interests. He then added "this event is important to have a full recognition based on understanding of each clans territories. Then it should be binding with brotherhoods and solidarity value so the efforts to secure and manage customary rights are happening as a wide community not individual clan. This is crucial to facing the new emerging challenge in Tambrauw as the new districts that in high efforts to accelerate the development". Metu Yesnath the head of Abun Sub District, who also the adviser of Marwasnath affirmed what Kundrat raised with emphasized "cultures and customary right claim are core parts of community livelihoods in Abun. These have guiding them and will keep control the activities the community are conducted in the land. So this big assembly is a great space and momentum understand territories and values of one and the others. The best result of this assembly will bring positive impact to the government in which all the activities the government is designing and implementing in the areas where land right ownership has clearly clarified and governed by clan can works well in active coordination with the elders and properly manage the benefit distribution".
Beside Aka Wuon and Marwasnath in the front line as facilitator, this assembly was happening with supported from Tambrauw District Government and Samdhana Institute. This was the 3rd assembly after Miyah and Fef that Aka Wuon is actively facilitating the full process includes control the flows of discussion. While for Samdhana Institute, this was the 1st event they were contributed. But in Fef they had funded Aka Wuon to follow up the detail technical mapping and GIS digitazing for the clans territories been agreed on the assembly. So do with Marwasnath, this was the 1st assembly they were facilitated.
The assembly was divided into 3 main event: (a) opening ceremony with cultural pigs sacrificing ceremony and then be continued with remarks. (b) workshop forum with discussion as the introductory materials to the main plenary and (c) main plenary/assembly, substance discussion until agreement process. In the pig sacrificing ceremony two main recognized clans Yessa and Wabia from apposite directions follow their customary territories performing tradition dancing while walking into the main assembly hall. The dancing was stopped in the place where pig was provided to be sacrificed. The procession was aiming to call the ancestor spirits and asking for their permission before go with customary assembly. Beside wild pigs the ceremony as also using the "kain timur" a traditional hand made wooden that become a symbol of cultures and tradition clothes of community in bird heads of Papua.

Workshop forum was went in two session: Session one presented resources person from Church leader and Samdhana Institute and in the session two the Papua gender activist and the field facilitator of Aka Wuon were in in the panelist. In summary here are the speakers and their material presented in this workshop:
- The Head of Klasis GKI Amberbaken. He was shared the church perspective and efforts to build the unity of rights in love. He pointed out that land are always become the problem of conflict, event church building are something facing the uncertainty claim of right by several community. So making sure that the discussion is going peacefully are important and this can be achieved by putting the values of love and brotherhood in the heads of the elders.
- Yunus Yumte, the Papua Program Coordinator of Samdhana Institute shared the material about legal protection, recognition and governance of customary rights. In his presentation Yunus shared the current opportunity with several national regulation that bringing the certainty for communal rights to be recognized. He also informed the participant about the progress of customary right recognition draft regulation in Tambrauw and asked all the community to accompanying and provides a significant inputs to this draft. Mapping, lesson from other places of which maps is the tools for right recognition are also parts of Yunus presentation.
- Heni Lani, the Papuan Woman Activist shared the importance of acknowledging women roles in customary right arrangement. Heni emphasized that woman and land in Papua are one packaging of cultural living because women is the one that interacts very often with land. And woman take big roles in educting young generation about cultural values and human development.
- Aka Wuon was represented by Viktor Tawer. Viktor presentation was about "understanding the identity of customary community in Tamrbauw". During several customary assembly Aka Wuon is facilitated he notes that the main enabling condition for the successful discussion are in community and their elders.