For me 'Daun Gatal" has familiar since i had interact with this leaf since i was child. Almost of the people in my tribe always using this leaf for their natural medicine. My father even almost every day used this leaf to keep his body relaxing and recover from long tired days of works. Same with my tribe community in Kensi also known this leaf and has used for century as their herbal medicine. Hengky explained to us the function and used of this leaf when he took us to the forests that this plant are growing. Not only for man, the leaf can also be used by the woman. Beside for tired, I know that the leaf is also powerful for our muscle problems or injury. Daun gatal is widely growing in Papua Natural forests, and its also a fast growing species with only simple technical if you want to plant it in your gardens. For sure it need shades.
Why is "Daun Gatal" or ecology scientist call it Laportea decumana, Wedd have this therapist uses and has widely and for generation used Papua Indigenous Papuan for their local medicine? What are the chemical contain that this leaf has so it makes our body relax? Several chemical extraction researched explain this facts. On of the recent study was conducted by Eva Simaremare, pharmacy student at Chendrawasih University confirmed the chemical content of this leave that consist of onoridin, tryptophan, histidine, alkaloid, flavonoid, Acid formiat and authraguinones . Formiat acid is hidden on it little spiny that then injected to human skin when we shake for messaging, the chemical reaction of this injection is the opening of skin pores and then stimulate blood reaction and muscle stretching. This is why relax feeling and recovery of our body as experienced in Kensi.
Even though the uses and medical function of the leaf has been confirmed by the scientist about "Daun Gatal" power but it not yet well extracted for medical products that massively produced. Until today most of the green daun gatal are only selling in local markets by Papuan. Almost in all traditional markets in Papua mainly Biak, Jayapura, Manokwari, Sorong, Kaimana and Fakfak we can easily found this leave. The price is also cheap between 5000-10,000 rupiah per bundles containing more that 15 leafs. Prospect of Daun Gatal as alternative natural medicine needs to be developed and facilitated by the government and other relevant actors to brings this traditional Papuan products as herbal option and at the same time support increase the economic income of IPs community.
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