Stories About Beautiful Papua
Every Single Place In Papua Have Its Stories To Be Shared To Build Other People Understanding About This Island
The Last Frotier Primary Forests
With 42 Million ha of forests, Papua play crucial rules in Indonensia forests development targets.
Women and Natural Resources
Forests or land right are not only about Man. So understanding the roles women and the impact of forests changes to women are also crucial
Our Traditional Value
Papuan Community Have Been Living for Centuries with Their Knowledge and Wisdom in Managing Natural Resources and Practice Best Conservation
For Papuan Generation
Every Works We Do Now Must Be Dedicated To The Future Papuan Generation
Dependency to Forests Resources
Practicing Good Forests Governance in Papus About Understing the Right of Indigenous People and Their Dependency to Natural Resources
All Are Wonderful
You Will Get Good Scene That You May Not Able Somewhere Else - Only In PAPUA
Bitter Nut Is Papuan Favorit Gums
Bitter Nut or In Papua We Call 'Pinang' Is The Local Gum You Can See In Every Corner of the Cities. Papuan People Love To Chewing It. Sometime People Consider It As Contact Material When You Travel to The Village
Papuan Traditional Conservation Practices
For Centuries, Papuan Has Practicing Local Wisdom to Sustainaible Use of Natural Resources. They Have Traditional Education System to Teaching Them How To Interact With Human, Spiritual Power and Understanding The Words Of Nature
Minggu, 30 November 2014
Customary Boundary Map Declaration and Agreement of Moi Kelim
Selasa, 04 November 2014
Village Forests Licenses for Sira and Manggroholo
Rabu, 17 September 2014
REDD+, GHG Emission Reduction and Right of Indigenous Papuan
In/Around forests
Data sources
Papua Prov
Spatial Plan 2011 – 2031
West Papua
Prov, Spatial Plan 2010 – 2030
all resources.
Source of Emission
West Papua
Area (ha/year)
Net Emission CO2e/year
Area (ha/year)
Net Emission CO2e/year
Forest Degradation
Other Land Use Change
- Increased the area of forest that is protected by 1,000,000 Ha, containing 500 million tonnes of carbon
- Increased the area of forest that should be sustainably managed by 3,914,000 Ha, containing 1,000 million tonnes of carbon. Within this category there is a very large shift from ‘production forest’ (decreased by 2.6 m Ha) to ‘limited production forest’ (increased by 4.7 m Ha), which reflects a greater emphasis on the sustainability of management for forest containing 800 million tonnes of carbon.
- Decreased the area of forest available for conversion to non-forest estate by 1.27 million hectares
carbon Stock
carbon stock
forest allocated for conversion in either Province or District Spatial Plans
Forest and
land rehabilitation
annual logging allocation (Annual Allowable Cut)
Reclamation of
the areas used for mining
Implementing reduced
impact logging
community based reforestation (tree plantation)
Reducing the intensity of opening of forest cover along main roads
City forest
designation (Forest Management Units)
Improve the use
of degraded land (low carbon stock area) for expansion of agricultural
Senin, 15 September 2014
Kabupaten Konservasi Tambrauw dan Peran Mitra Pembangunan
Dalam rangka membangun kerjasama yang produktif, konstruktif dan saling mengisi antara Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Tambrauw dengan mitra pembangunan yang ada, pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Tambrauw merasa penting untuk mengajak semua pihak untuk duduk bersama dalam sebuah ruang diskusi. Dimana diskusi sekaligus diarahkan untuk mengkonvergensikan program-program pemerintah daerah dengan program-program mitra pembangunan dalam rangka optimalisasi resources dalam mendorong pembangunan kabupaten konservasi yang lebih maju. Diskusi bersama ini juga diarahkan untuk secara bersama membangun target-target program yang realistis, ukuran capaian sampai dengan peran semua pihak dalam monitoring dan evaluasi pembangunan kabupaten Konservasi di Tambrauw nantinya
Diskusi ini dilaksanakan dalam rangka menyamakan persepsi dan agenda untuk mendukung kebijakan pembangunan kabupaten konsservasi di Tambrauw. Diskusi ini dilaksanakan dengan kerjasama aktif antara PEMDA Tambrauw, WWF, The Samdhana Insitute dan Fakultas Kehutanan UNIPA. Diskusi 2 hari ini dihadiri oleh sebagian besar SKPD yang berhubungan dengan lahan dan kehutanan di Kabupaten Tambrauw, BKSDH Papua Barat, Badan Pengelola Ekoregion Papua, Dinas Kehutanan Provinsi Papua Barat, BAPPEDALDA dan Masyarakat Adat.
Minggu, 14 September 2014
Penegakan Hukum Dan Arbitrase Dalam Pengelolaan Hutan Rendah Karbon

- Tidak adanya kepastian hukum penguasaan (tenurial
security) tanah-tanah adat /SDA/wilayah kelola masyarakat
- UU 41 tahun 1999 tentang Kehutanan yang
mendudukan masyarakat sebagai objek hutan dan tidak secara tegas
memberikan ruang pengakuan keberdaa masyarakat dan haknya atas sumber daya
alam. Serta cenderung memposisikan masyarakat sebagai perambah hutan yang
menggangung batas dan investasi pengelolaan hutan.
- Pemberian izin/hak oleh pejabat publik(menteri
kehutanan, menteri ESDM, Kepala BPN, Gubernur dan Bupati) yang memasukkan
tanah/wilayah kelola/SDA kepunyaan masyarakat adat/lokal ke dalam konsesi
badan-badan usaha raksasa dalam bidang produksi, ekstraksi, maupun
- Penggunaan kekerasan, manipulasi, dan penipuan
dalam pengadaan tanah skala besar untuk proyek-proyek pembangunan,
usaha-usaha raksasa dalam bidang produksi, ekstraksi, konservasi.
- Lemahnya penegakan hukum terhadap
perusahan-perusahaan dan okum-oknum pemerintah yang tidak disiplin di
Papua dalam membangun system yang tidak transparn dan melegalkan yang
ilegal. Sebagai contoh beberapa perusahaan perkebunan yang kecenderungannya
mengambil kayu komersil lalu pergi begitu saja dan tidak membangun
perkebunan. Lemahnya penegakan hukum dalam penyelesaian berbagai permasalahan
yang terjadi antara masyarakat sekitar hutan dan perusahaan akan
mengakibatkan konflik-konflik baru terjadi. Hal ini sering dijadikan pihak
ketiga seperti cukong-cukong kayu untuk memanfaatkan konflik tersebut demi
kepentingannya. Maraknya penebangan liar merupakan wujud ketidakharmonisan
pemerintah/aparat keamanan, perusahaan dan masyarakat sekitar hutan.
- Instrumen
hukum yang ada belum menunjukkan hasil yang maksimal dalam pemberantasan
korupsi. Korupsi tidak hanya merugikan keuangan negara semata, akan tetapi
telah melanggar hak asasi manusia dalam bidang sosial dan ekonomi.
Dalam pengertian REDD yang efektif dimana mekanisme pembagian manfaat dan pengakuan hak atas karbon menjadi kunci dan dikemas dengan system monitoring dan verifikasi yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Oleh sebab itu korupsi dan pelanggaran hukum dalam pengelolaan hutan menjadi perhatian. Mengemas system di daerah yang ‘trustable’ dengan transparansi palaporan dan pembagian manfaat financial yang didapat serta mekanisme tegas terhadap pelanggaran hukum menjadi kunci. “trus fund” diharapkan muncul sebagai unit dalam lembaga REDD daerah yang ‘public audits’ untuk menyediakan jaminan hukum dalam berinvestasi dalam memastikan manfaat yang terdistribusi secara adil
Sabtu, 13 September 2014
West Papua Province Spatial Plan and CSO/NGOs Engagement
The Forestry Minister on our meeting August 28 said that he has just signed the approval of forests function and allocation changes on proposed west Papua Spatial Plan. Of course this approval based on 'TIMDU (tim terpadu/collaborative team' assessment and recommendation. This means that the plan is ready be implemented, because the substantive approval from Public Works minister has been awarded on a year before. But for sure we haven't yet get the Approval SK-Menhut include it spatial information of number of ha been approved and how detail allocation would be.
- Preparation stage: no community and NGO/CSO participation: only government, private and consultant
- Reviewing the previous spatial plan: no consultation - public discussion to capture public opinion about the previous development plan and inputs for the new spatial plan development. Since the previous plan was developed before 'the Otsus law appeared' so the review must also consider the content of Otsus on the new spatial plan development.
- Collection of data and information: Lack of community data and information been collected - include customary boundary mapping, local land uses allocation (zones) and livelihood and strategic environmental assessment (KLHS).
- Analysis: all made by consultant, lack of coordination between government community and CSO/NGO even with the institution such as MRP (Papua People Assembly).
- Conceptualize the new plan : all made by the consultant. The substance are mostly influenced by the interest of private sector. This verification and validation is focusing of LULUCF concession holder. ---> TIMDU here. Drafting of PERDA : no consultation - the parliament were go by they own with the government. ---> Substantial approval here. The PERDA has legalized without proper evaluation and been approved before the substantial approval from ministry of forestry available (look at the chart below)

- Strategic environment assessments are not yet developed so there is no the analysis of concept is lack of substance related to environmental impact might happen. For the conservation areas for instance, there is no assessment to see how the plan will affect the conservation areas. So the proposal of forests function and allocation changing are somehow will threatening the conservation areas.
- Social and culture impact assessment. Since the plan was developed with minimum data and information about customary Papuan community, their value of live and the dependency to natural resources the plan seem will not count them as the core of development pillar. No clear where is the area been allocating for specific cultural reserves. When we asked where is the 'specific strategic areas' allocating for the community, no one from both Province government or Ministry of Forestry were able to provided clear explanation about it.
- Forests changing are mostly driven by the needs of land use and forestry investment - mainly logging, mining and oilpalm plantation. This was shown when consistency validation were conducted in Bogor last year. The government made 2 days event focused on clarification and validation with the mining, logging and oilpalm concession. --> This is clearly described on TIMDU 'criteria' to evaluate the eligibility of forests function and allocation changes. """Criteria from law and institution aspect are focusing on (a) licenses and private right, (b) the history of forests areas and (c) the expectancy of any government project.
- The determination of Strategic Provinces Areas (Kawasan Strategis Provinsi/KSP) based on limited data and information so not qualified and holistic for all Papua. For instance the KSP for socio-culture was only for 'Pegunungan Arfak and Mansiman island'. And not clear on the other places in West Papua. For REDD issues, there is no clear area determine as KSP for low carbon development activities.
- The spread and wide of APL mainly for the village inside forested areas are not clear. The implication is all the community are illegal because the state will acknowledge them as illegal dweller on forests areas. Their vulnerability to become the victim of forestry policy.
- legal jurisdiction analysis and assistance
- Spatial and non spatial analysis of the spatial plan implication to all vital sectors they missed on the previous process. This include the LULUCF investigation.
- Create public participation on monitoring and evaluating the spatial plan implementation. (watchdog).
- Analysis the needs of lands and resources should be conserved and allocated for customary community for West Papua