Stories About Beautiful Papua
Every Single Place In Papua Have Its Stories To Be Shared To Build Other People Understanding About This Island
The Last Frotier Primary Forests
With 42 Million ha of forests, Papua play crucial rules in Indonensia forests development targets.
Women and Natural Resources
Forests or land right are not only about Man. So understanding the roles women and the impact of forests changes to women are also crucial
Our Traditional Value
Papuan Community Have Been Living for Centuries with Their Knowledge and Wisdom in Managing Natural Resources and Practice Best Conservation
For Papuan Generation
Every Works We Do Now Must Be Dedicated To The Future Papuan Generation
Dependency to Forests Resources
Practicing Good Forests Governance in Papus About Understing the Right of Indigenous People and Their Dependency to Natural Resources
All Are Wonderful
You Will Get Good Scene That You May Not Able Somewhere Else - Only In PAPUA
Bitter Nut Is Papuan Favorit Gums
Bitter Nut or In Papua We Call 'Pinang' Is The Local Gum You Can See In Every Corner of the Cities. Papuan People Love To Chewing It. Sometime People Consider It As Contact Material When You Travel to The Village
Papuan Traditional Conservation Practices
For Centuries, Papuan Has Practicing Local Wisdom to Sustainaible Use of Natural Resources. They Have Traditional Education System to Teaching Them How To Interact With Human, Spiritual Power and Understanding The Words Of Nature
Jumat, 15 April 2016
FMU in Biak Shaping Up the Basic Concept of Forests Development Partnership
Jumat, 08 April 2016
Climate Agreement and Challenges on Local Action to Reduce Emission Reduction in Papua - Indonesia
Indonesia with its large tropical forests up to 140 million ha plays important position in combating climate change impact through low emission land and forests development. The INDC raised in Paris by President JOKOWI emphasized new country commitment to reduce 29% of domestic emission by 2030. Highlighting forests moratorium and improve forests management on community based forests management as part of the national efforts on forests and land mitigation action. But it was remained contradictory with the facts that the government are trying to pushing up economic growth by creating economic policy package in 2015 that allow massive expansion of natural resources extraction in the country. The national targets on peatland protection has failed in 2015 by huge forests fires and oilpalm expansion in peatland areas. While the social forestry initiative facing the problems on limited forests availability for community and local government intention on developments. Allocation of forests to big concession are mostly be considered advantages to the government revenue.
For the provinces like Papua and West Papua, Paris climate agreement and national commitment on emission reduction would be a best chance to gets financial and non-financial incentive to the development by saving the forests. 42 million ha of the forests in the Island in which 70% are primary (**90 forests cover) could contribute about 38% of national forests and land use low emission development targets. Provincial action plans strategy on low emission development have now opened for implementation depending on how fast are the government then translating their program reflect to the global and national commitment on climate change mitigation and adaption. Particularly how the government could then control massive forests cover changes for road construction, public facilities and other land uses purposes because they are the main drivers of deforestation in the region emitted almost 53 million Ton of CO2 per year. It is realized that there are a lot of challenge appear to be answered by Government and all actors in the region to meets good and benefiting forests governance to the people, states and global interests.
Understanding the forests development are unique in each region, the Ministry of Forestry introduced and prioritizing forests management units (FMU/KPH) as the forests decentralization management scheme that be designed to bridge such national-local and global gaps. This sites specific scheme are then be formulated to solve the conflicts such as community/indigenous people rights claim over the forests in the region. Papua and West Papua Provinces are then responded this by designing 77 FMU that covers almost 23 million or about 60% of the forests in the island – 12 of which are now have been operationalizing. Recently the FMU policy was expanded to cover all types of forests include conservation which means about 80% of the Papua forests are potentially to be managed under FMU scheme. It is just one of several option on climate change mitigation and adaptation locus on the region. Another sustainability land uses and forests development practices outside of FMU are also crucial to gets special attention such as energy and agriculture sectors.
In the complexity problem of activities on the Ground, the forestry actors are now become panics and not comfortably working in the transition phase of Law No 23 of 2014 implementation. The law has clearly mentioning forestry in the ‘non mandatory responsibilities’ in which the district level forests administrative functions are no longer needed because it is not efficient. All of the asset and program are now moving to the province. Direct consequences will be a problem of services at the districts and willingness of forestry actor to responsible to the program in the region. Which means all low emission development action that working at the provinces are now under provincial responsibility that would high costs because it is centralistic governing. Authority of forests management are in provinces could create interest conflict between Governoord and Head of the Districts.
Political situation in Papua with number of Head of District election happening in 2015 until 2017 are another issues that would significantly influence the ways of land uses and forests development pathway. One risk that each environmental and people based projects intervention would face is where no political and program support from local government authority. REDD and any other locally forests and land development program are enormously influenced by local politics and government program. In cases like Tambrauw West Papua Province all the process are were well and be backed up by the government because the current Bupati’s has good will and concrete political commitment on conservation and rights recognition.
Rabu, 06 April 2016
Yospan – A Dancing in Harmony of Young Papuan
Video: Street Yospan in Manokwari
Sabtu, 02 April 2016
Inspiring Story: Baywatch “Pasir Putih” Manokwari
Broom stick, coconuts, inner tube and plastic carpets are the materials in the beach where we can easily know where the white sand (pasir putih) beach guardian is. ‘Decky Kadakolo’ is the man I meant. This Moi Man has moved and live in this place for more than 30 years together with his Mother which originally part of the Doreri tribe those who living and claim the rights over the coast city of Manokwari – West Papua Province of Indonesia. He is the important man behind the comfortable, clean and save of the beach.
Trash is remaining appears be the main problem of management of Pasir Putih as the mass tourism site in Manokwari. It come mostly from the bad garbage management in the city where people are mostly throw their trash in the main roads, small river and bank of the sea. When the rain comes, they are pushed down to the sea and then the wave took into the beaches. Garbage left by the tourist are also then come makes the beach are dirty. Here are the crucial parts of Decky and his groups contributions - spending hours every afternoon to clean the beach and burn the trash. He says “people in the city need wake up and aware that they have done a wrong thing. Together with the government they needs to create a good garbage managements so they not throwing them into the small river, main roads or sea”. People some time don’t aware that they enjoy the beach that covered by urban garbage.
As one of the nearest, beautiful and long white sand beach in Manokwari, this place is always become the main choice of people in the city to spent a holiday, recreation and relaxing. Not less than 1000 peoples are coming to this beach every week. The beautiful sand and low cost are always become reasonable why Pasir Putih are always in the main list of the weekend holiday for young, kids and adults people in Manokwari. Face to face with Mansinam island and the scene of Arfak mountain from the distances are also coloring this beach when the sunny day. But as consequences to be the mass tourism place, making sure that the environment are well maintain, security and comfortable of the tourist are guaranteed should become the main priority to make sure people are enjoying the beach and all economic vehicles are run equally each other. Here are why the roles of Pasir Putih guardian are crucial.