Secara ekologi, kebijakan pembangunan ruang cenderung kontra produktif dan mengabaikan prinsip-prinsip ekologis dan pengamanan kawasan ekologi khusus dan rentan. Penetapan definisi dan delinease serta kebijakan proteksi kawasan-kawasan ini belum kelihatan strategi, aksi dan implementasinya. Bahkan kawasan-kawasan ekologi rentan seperti hutan sagu di Sorong Selatan yang merupakan sumber pangan masyarakat, sistem penyangga DAS dan tata air di sepanjang Kais - Kokoda serta kawasan penyimpanan karbon tertinggi karena kandungan gambut yang besar sekarang sudah di alokasikan untuk investasi industri extractive. Pegunungan carts di Manokwari yang diatasnya hidup beberapa satwa endemik Manokwari sendiri sekarang telah dikorbankan menjadi pabrik semen.
Stories About Beautiful Papua
Every Single Place In Papua Have Its Stories To Be Shared To Build Other People Understanding About This Island
The Last Frotier Primary Forests
With 42 Million ha of forests, Papua play crucial rules in Indonensia forests development targets.
Women and Natural Resources
Forests or land right are not only about Man. So understanding the roles women and the impact of forests changes to women are also crucial
Our Traditional Value
Papuan Community Have Been Living for Centuries with Their Knowledge and Wisdom in Managing Natural Resources and Practice Best Conservation
For Papuan Generation
Every Works We Do Now Must Be Dedicated To The Future Papuan Generation
Dependency to Forests Resources
Practicing Good Forests Governance in Papus About Understing the Right of Indigenous People and Their Dependency to Natural Resources
All Are Wonderful
You Will Get Good Scene That You May Not Able Somewhere Else - Only In PAPUA
Bitter Nut Is Papuan Favorit Gums
Bitter Nut or In Papua We Call 'Pinang' Is The Local Gum You Can See In Every Corner of the Cities. Papuan People Love To Chewing It. Sometime People Consider It As Contact Material When You Travel to The Village
Papuan Traditional Conservation Practices
For Centuries, Papuan Has Practicing Local Wisdom to Sustainaible Use of Natural Resources. They Have Traditional Education System to Teaching Them How To Interact With Human, Spiritual Power and Understanding The Words Of Nature
Kamis, 17 Desember 2015
Opini: Mewujudkan Pembangunan Berwawasan Konservasi Yang Konsisten di Provinsi Papua Barat
Secara ekologi, kebijakan pembangunan ruang cenderung kontra produktif dan mengabaikan prinsip-prinsip ekologis dan pengamanan kawasan ekologi khusus dan rentan. Penetapan definisi dan delinease serta kebijakan proteksi kawasan-kawasan ini belum kelihatan strategi, aksi dan implementasinya. Bahkan kawasan-kawasan ekologi rentan seperti hutan sagu di Sorong Selatan yang merupakan sumber pangan masyarakat, sistem penyangga DAS dan tata air di sepanjang Kais - Kokoda serta kawasan penyimpanan karbon tertinggi karena kandungan gambut yang besar sekarang sudah di alokasikan untuk investasi industri extractive. Pegunungan carts di Manokwari yang diatasnya hidup beberapa satwa endemik Manokwari sendiri sekarang telah dikorbankan menjadi pabrik semen.
Selasa, 15 Desember 2015
COP 21: Tambrauw and Jayapura Districts Shared the Important of IPs Rights Protection and Recognition in Sustainable Land Uses and Forests Management at the District Level.
Selasa, 08 Desember 2015
Aka Wuon Mapped 3 Clans Boundary in Tambrauw
The government of Tambrauw Districk-West Papua Province in collaboration with customary community groups have gradually facilitating clans discussion in each sub-district to talks about an efforts to reduce conflict of land right claim that emerged in line with the development expansion. The 1st discussion was held in Fef sub-district engaged 13 clans from Abun and Miyah tribes - about 70% of the district administration region are in these two tribes. Social information, agreement on mapping and a customary boundary sketch were produced at the end of the meeting.
As followed up AKA WUON (NGO based in Sorong) moved with the community to wrapping up social data and information and facilitated technical mapping to digitized the boundary of the 13 clans. In 5 month started July until November 2015 AKA WUON has helped 3 clans; Baa Sakof, Baru Rufubun and Tafii to technically maps and digitized their boundary into a digital maps. These 3 clans area cover about 3500 ha of Fef district. The mapping was facilitated in neutral approaches in which AKA WUON was tried to avoid the personal/political and other groups interests in process because they understand that rights over land and resources are an sensitive issues in now days as an implication of the new economic mainstream in the community mind.
AKA WUON acknowledged that there are long remaining steps the community should take to makes the maps are living and working on conflict resolution and land uses regulation in current development pressure. As an NGO with most of the crew are originally from tribes in Tambrauw, they listed strengthening the structure of customary institution, facilitate common consensus and agreement until legal protection and government as sets of next step they should work with the community. Its just the beginning, because for maps there are 10 clans in the sub-districts that not yet mapped digitally. While for all Tambrauw there are more than 100 clans from 5 main tribes are also expected to have a maps like what 3 clans in Fef have.
Senin, 30 November 2015
Mengenal Kerangka Pikir Pemetaan Indikatif Batas Wilayah Adat di Papua
Jumat, 06 November 2015
"Noken" of Moi People - Sorong
Senin, 26 Oktober 2015
Celebrating The Customary Reviving Day, Jayapura District Held Cultural Festival
Minggu, 18 Oktober 2015
Opini: Paket Kebijakan Ekonomi dan Upaya Indonesia Mengurangi Emisi GRK
Analisis untuk bahan diskusi lanjutan
Presiden Joko Widodo/Jokowi. FOTO: MI/PANCA SYURKANI - metronews/ 09092015
Kamis, 10 September 2015
Pansus Review Perijinan Sawit di Kabupaten Sorong Terbentuk
DPRD menyambut dengan positive keluhan dan aspirasi masyarakat ini dan berjanji segera membentuk pansus untuk melakukan review kembali terhadap keseluruhan perijinan sawit yang sudah dan akan beroperasi di wilayah adat moi.
Dikonfirmasi langsung salah satu Angota DPRD yang merupakan anak Adat moi mengkonfirmasi bahwa Pansus Tersebut sudah terbentuk dan terdiri dari 13 Anggota dan diketuai langsung oleh Ketua DPRD Kabupaten Sorong. Ada 3 tugas utama Pansus ini:
- Melakukan review kembali semua proses perijinan sawit yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah dan perusahaan terutama bagaimana konsultasi yang benar dan mneyeluruh dilakukan.
- Melalui review dan evaluasi terhadap perjanjian-perjanjian yang dilakukan antara masyarakat adat dengan perusahaan sawit tersebut.
- Menyiapkan rekomendasi kepada pemerintah untuk melakukan review terhadap perijinan yang bermasalah dan mengabaikan hak-hak ada Masyarakat Moi.
Critic Paper to Policy Makers: Slow Down Low Carbon Development Initiative in Papua and West Papua Provinces of Indonesia
REDD or any low carbon development initiative in Papua are heavily depending on political commitments of political and institution leader of the government. Political commitment that interpreted into detail official government plans and program will become a guaranty that these initiative would works in the field. Understanding the plan and program of government could be explored by looking into detail spatial plan and strategic program plans of each institution. The plan and strategic plan should clearly mentioning the low carbon development program as the priority action
This paper is trying to critically provides quick views on how weak are the low carbon development initiative that fast in preparing the strategy and action plan documents but then slow in the actualization of the strategy and action plan. One by one the above questions will be answered in a robust comments based on the fact and condition in the both Papua and West Papua Province.
Are there any low carbon development initiative run in these provinces?
Some initiative came in the period of 2009 - 2012 such as Emirate Planet for the low carbon development project in Wamena, Carbon Strategic and Asia Pacific Carbon in West Papua. All these company came with an intended to applied VCS projects for credits. But most of the them were stopped in legal requirement such as the availability of forests the will do their projects. Since the low carbon projects was a new kinds of licenses that most parties are not familiar with. At the national levels experts are still in long discussion on building an ideal mechanism to makes low carbon development initiative could happen. No clear juridictional mechanism were agreed as national and sub-national low carbon development mechanism so most the this projects were given up find an appropriates national references to moving forward with their projects.
Another constrain that the projects faced was political leader and community supports. Most of the projects came were failed to convince political leader and some community leader about the benefits that community and government could get by putting their support into the projects.
Are the government as the keys policy and program maker has starting to do something that mentioned in the documents they developed?
The province REDD+ and GHG reduction action plan and strategy had clearly mentioning several pilots action plan that should be conducted to reach the provinces emission reduction targets (look this analysis: ............). But until now no one of this lists are started on the selected pilot sites. Some specific initiative are going so far are most run by an NGO project based such as Samdhana with Forests Management Unit (KPH), UKCCU with their Green Investment and Spatial Plan Program (Protarih), USAID IFACS and ICRAF with Participatory Monitoring System (Parcimont).
Not clear how the government is kind to taking an advance steps on facilitating all the projects initiative, taking an coordinator function and directed all the parties to testing the implementation of all lists action plan were mentioned in the official documents.
Do all parties are aware of low carbon ideas in the development at provinces and district?
Since it was announced as a new forests management scheme, low carbon development concept are not well distributed to all relevant parties. The gap of understanding in this issues and miss-understanding in seeing the project from the simple perspective of the easily getting money by protecting forests has rights an empty expectation. Distribution and dissemination information as part of public awareness were not worked well since the preparation stages.
In west Papua and Papua Provinces the interpretation of low carbon were vary depending on the organization background. Some projects mentioned above that has in contacted with community are often mistake to use the more proper words in explaining what is the low carbon development are so miss interpretation we also occurred at grass roots as shown by MNUKWAR videos.
So will low carbon initiative works in Papua and West Papua?
Make the foundation as noted in the documents as enabling condition should be a vital priority that the government needs to take soon. In collaboration with all related stakeholder sharpening this concepts into technical activities that measurable and verifiable are a urgent steps the government should takes.
It is a big worry that the the initiative will slowly disappear with the slow down action that the government has.
Jumat, 12 Juni 2015
Mapping the Customary Right in Papua – Indonesia

Develop an Indicative Tribes Boundary Maps and Their Basic Profile Information in Tambrauw - West Papua Province
The district regulation to protect local rights of customary community has been developing under Parliament control. It also been supporting by Papua State University, Epistema Institute, Samdhan Institute, Aka Wuon, WWF and Paradisea Foundation. The fact the customary right claim are strong in tambrauw pointed out the needs to carefully develop the substance in the regulation. The regulation also should able to create the harmony between right and responsibility of customary community in Tambrauw. This team then start to collect as much as possible data and information that available about local right in Tambrauw.
Facing the fact that data and information about customary community right in Tambrauw are limited the development partners of Tambrauw government then initiating the development of indicative boundary maps with tribes profiles. The new approaches in Mapping that come in to the table been considered as the quick but validated way to bring up the basic information about customary rights in Tambrauw, the tribes distribution across the district and the substance of rights the the parliament and government must regulates well.
So how what is the indicative boundary mapping means? And whats steps it takes to provide the information about rights in Tambrauw? How valid is the products to the legal needs? This short plain paper of mapping are trying to describes and provide a robust explanation about these question. It is developed based on half way process in Tambrauw, so question, comment or correction are welcome to improve the next process?
Tittle : One Plain Paper of Mapping. Develop an Indicative Customary Boundary Mapping of Tribes in Tambrauw District
West Papua Province - Indonesia
Author : Yunus Yumte
Sabtu, 30 Mei 2015
Mencari Produk Hutan Prioritas Bagi Hutan Desa Sira dan Manggroholo
Damar Belum Berjalan Optimal
Selasa, 21 April 2015
Menanti Penetapan NSPK IUPHHK-MHA Papua oleh Ibu Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan
Persoalan mandek-nya IUPHHK-MHA apabila ditelusuri dan dicermati boleh dibilang hanya perkara sederhana, dimana tata usaha kayu IUPHHK-MHA di Papua tidak diakui karena nomenklatur skema pengelolaan hutan yang digunakan tidak sesuai dengan apa yang diatur dalam UU-41/1999 tentang kehutanan. Sungguh ironis bukan? UU 41/1999 cenderung membangun dinasti sendiri dan seakan menutup jalan bagi produk hukum setingkat UU No 21 Tahun 2001 Tentang Otonomi Khusus di Tanah Papua sulit di implementasikan.
Sungguh sangatlah kelihatan bahwa pertimbangan politis kepentingan dan kewenangan pengelolaan sumber daya alam masih menjadi alasan kuat bagi pemerintah Pusat yang dalam hal ini Kemeterian Kehutanan untuk terus menunda penetapan NSPK IUPHHK-MHA yang merupakan jembatan harmonisasi antara UU no 41 Tahun 1999 dengan UU No 21 Tahun 2001. Seharusnya pemerintah pusat melihat secara strategis nilai penting dari jembatan ini untuk membangun kembali kepercayaan rakyat Papua tentang kepedulian NKRI memberikan ruang legal bagi orang asli Papua untuk mengelola dan menikmati hasil dari tanah mereka sendiri.
Nah... Mari merenung sejenak dan bertanya, kira-kira sampai kapan NSPK IUPHHK-MHA ini terus di delay proses penetapannya di kemenhut? Dan langkah apa yang mungkin belum di ambil para pihak di Papua yang mendorong isu ini? Negara sebagai rumah dan orang tua bagi rakyat yang merupakan anak-nya harusnya memberikan kesempatan dan bukan memberikan ketidakpastian. Jawaban dan langkah tegas dari Ibu Menteri Kehutanan sangatlah ditunggu untuk mempertegas langkah nyata program preseden Jokowi dari sektor kehutan dan juga komitmen politis Pak Jokowi untuk tetap memberikan ruang yang luas bagi orang asli Papua untuk membangun dan mendapatkan manfaat yang besar di atas tanah-nya sendiri.
Jumat, 03 April 2015
Lesson Learn: Mendorong Pengelolaan Hutan Berbasis Masyarakat Dengan Skema Hutan Desa di Esania, Kaimana - Papua Barat
Judul: Mendorong Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Masyarakat Adat di Papua Barat.