My Ideas and Stories About PAPUA

Making the rich and beautiful resources in Papua become the social economic strength for Papuan has become the long home works. Many people believe that the early start to find the answer is by understanding how Papua looks like, their communities and their special strength. And it can be realize by directly in touch with them. This blogs provides you chance to touch and gets insight ideas, trends and stories about Papua.
  • Stories About Beautiful Papua

    Every Single Place In Papua Have Its Stories To Be Shared To Build Other People Understanding About This Island

  • The Last Frotier Primary Forests

    With 42 Million ha of forests, Papua play crucial rules in Indonensia forests development targets.

  • Women and Natural Resources

    Forests or land right are not only about Man. So understanding the roles women and the impact of forests changes to women are also crucial

  • Our Traditional Value

    Papuan Community Have Been Living for Centuries with Their Knowledge and Wisdom in Managing Natural Resources and Practice Best Conservation

  • For Papuan Generation

    Every Works We Do Now Must Be Dedicated To The Future Papuan Generation

  • Dependency to Forests Resources

    Practicing Good Forests Governance in Papus About Understing the Right of Indigenous People and Their Dependency to Natural Resources

  • All Are Wonderful

    You Will Get Good Scene That You May Not Able Somewhere Else - Only In PAPUA

  • Bitter Nut Is Papuan Favorit Gums

    Bitter Nut or In Papua We Call 'Pinang' Is The Local Gum You Can See In Every Corner of the Cities. Papuan People Love To Chewing It. Sometime People Consider It As Contact Material When You Travel to The Village

  • Papuan Traditional Conservation Practices

    For Centuries, Papuan Has Practicing Local Wisdom to Sustainaible Use of Natural Resources. They Have Traditional Education System to Teaching Them How To Interact With Human, Spiritual Power and Understanding The Words Of Nature

Kamis, 10 September 2015

Pansus Review Perijinan Sawit di Kabupaten Sorong Terbentuk

Beberapa kejadian ketidakadilan yang terjadi di tingkat masyarakat adat Moi sebagai akibat dari ekspansi perkembunan sawit yang dibangun tanpa prinsip-prinsi FPIC yang telah mendorong masyarakat untuk melakukan protes ketidakadilan ini kepada DPRD Kabupaten Sorong. Komunitas yang didominasi oleh kelompok 5 Marga di Kampung Kalaili bertemu dengan pimpinan dan perwakilan DPRD Kabupaten Sorong di Kantor DPRD Sorong untuk menyampaikan keluhan dan aspirasi mereka agar pemerintah melakukan review dan penindakan terhadap perusahaan-perusahan yang melanggar perjanjian dan cenderung mengabaik hak-hak adat masyarakat di Tanah Moi.

DPRD menyambut dengan positive keluhan dan aspirasi masyarakat ini dan berjanji segera membentuk pansus untuk melakukan review kembali terhadap keseluruhan perijinan sawit yang sudah dan akan beroperasi di wilayah adat moi.

Dikonfirmasi langsung salah satu Angota DPRD yang merupakan anak Adat moi mengkonfirmasi bahwa Pansus Tersebut sudah terbentuk dan terdiri dari 13 Anggota dan diketuai langsung oleh Ketua DPRD Kabupaten Sorong. Ada 3 tugas utama Pansus ini:

  1. Melakukan review kembali semua proses perijinan sawit yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah dan perusahaan terutama bagaimana konsultasi yang benar dan mneyeluruh dilakukan. 
  2. Melalui review dan evaluasi terhadap perjanjian-perjanjian yang dilakukan antara masyarakat adat dengan perusahaan sawit tersebut.
  3. Menyiapkan rekomendasi kepada pemerintah untuk melakukan review terhadap perijinan yang bermasalah dan mengabaikan hak-hak ada Masyarakat Moi.
Tim Pansus ini akan efektif bekerja di minggu ke 3 September 2015. 

Di diskusi terpisah, coordinator lapangan kampung Kalaili, Klasouw dan Malalis untuk advokasi hak mengatakan bahwa langkah aktif juga akan dilakukan di tingkat masyarakat dengan melakukan pengorganisasian memperkuat konsensus bersama di tingkat marga. Rapat-rapat di tingkat kampung akan dilakukan segera untuk menghasilkan (1) petisi bersama untuk penolakan sawit, (2) penyiapan semua bukti-bukti pengabaian hak yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan sawit di Tanah Moi, dan (3) mendorong pemetaan batas marga untuk mendapatkan pengakuan pemerintah. 

Namun Pak Koordinator menyatakan bahwa tantang selanjutnya juga ada di tingkat kabupaten dimana harus ada tim kerja yang ikut memback aktifitas yang dilakukan masyarakat sekaligus memberikan asistensi teknis dan strategis kepada DPRD untuk mematangkan rencana kerja pansus dan semua materi yang akan diuji di lapangan. Oleh sebab itu komunikasi dan koordinasi akan dibangun untuk menjadi dukungan dari semua pihak yang peduli terhadap keberlangsungan hidup orang Moi, Tanah Moi dan semua sumber daya yang ada diatas. Karena semua aset orang Moi sedang terancam tegasnya. 

Critic Paper to Policy Makers: Slow Down Low Carbon Development Initiative in Papua and West Papua Provinces of Indonesia

Papua and West Papua Provinces with 42 million ha of forests in which almost 70% are still virgin plays significant position in Indonesia Greenhouses gas emission action. The appropriate actions and win ways are needed urgently to make sure that all keys stakeholder getting the wise option for natural resources management strategy and policy. As respond to global climate changes the provinces since 2008 announced their commitment to bring both provinces as the leader in saving forests for tackle the effect of global warming. Event both governor together with Arnold Schwarzenegger – the governor of California and the governor of Aceh built the Governor Climate and Forests Task Force, which now expanded to more than six county.

2008 until 2012 were the pre-condition pathway to build what people called with a foundation to makes government to government collaboration program could works that would enable each parties to contributes in saving the worlds by protecting the last remaining tropical forests in Asia and Pacific. At National level-Indonesia government with several REDD platform body had launch several low carbon development frameworks include the REDD+ strategy, national emission reduction target, safeguard instruments and many other tools to makes REDD works in the country. At sub national through LoI Indonesia – Norway the province has their provinces strategy and action plan to REDD+ implementation. While through national initiative the provinces has also developed greenhouses gas emission reduction action plan. Papua and Wests Papua provinces were engaged actively in both level and had have both document in place in the end of 2013.

The question then come after all these heavy worked have done: Are there any low carbon development initiative run in these provinces? Are the government as the keys policy and program maker has starting to do something that mentioned in the documents they developed? Do all parties are aware of low carbon ideas in the development at provinces and district?  How could we measure to validate the answer on above questions?

REDD or any low carbon development initiative in Papua are heavily depending on political commitments of political and institution leader of the government. Political commitment that interpreted into detail official government plans and program will become a guaranty that these initiative would works in the field. Understanding the plan and program of government could be explored by looking into detail spatial plan and strategic program plans of each institution. The plan and strategic plan should clearly mentioning the low carbon development program as the priority action

This paper is trying to critically provides quick views on how weak are the low carbon development initiative that fast in preparing the strategy and action plan documents but then slow in the actualization of the strategy and action plan. One by one the above questions will be answered in a robust comments based on the fact and condition in the both Papua and West Papua Province. 

Are there any low carbon development initiative run in these provinces? 

Some initiative came in the period of 2009 - 2012 such as Emirate Planet for the low carbon development project in Wamena, Carbon Strategic and Asia Pacific Carbon in West Papua. All these company came with an intended to applied VCS projects for credits. But most of the them were stopped in legal requirement such as the availability of forests the will do their projects. Since the low carbon projects was a new kinds of licenses that most parties are not familiar with. At the national levels experts are still in long discussion on building an ideal mechanism to makes low carbon development initiative could happen. No clear juridictional mechanism were agreed as national and sub-national low carbon development mechanism so most the this projects were given up find an appropriates national references to moving forward with their projects. 

Another constrain that the projects faced was political leader and community supports. Most of the projects came were failed to convince political leader and some community leader about the benefits that community and government could get by putting their support into the projects. 

Are the government as the keys policy and program maker has starting to do something that mentioned in the documents they developed? 

The province REDD+ and GHG reduction action plan and strategy had clearly mentioning several pilots action plan that should be conducted to reach the provinces emission reduction targets (look this analysis: ............). But until now no one of this lists are started on the selected pilot sites. Some specific initiative are going so far are most run by an NGO project based such as Samdhana with Forests Management Unit (KPH), UKCCU with their Green Investment and Spatial Plan Program (Protarih), USAID IFACS and ICRAF with Participatory Monitoring System (Parcimont). 

Not clear how the government is kind to taking an advance steps on facilitating all the projects initiative, taking an coordinator function and directed all the parties to testing the implementation of all lists action plan were mentioned in the official documents. 

Do all parties are aware of low carbon ideas in the development at provinces and district?

Since it was announced as a new forests management scheme, low carbon development concept are not well distributed to all relevant parties. The gap of understanding in this issues and miss-understanding in seeing the project from the simple perspective of the easily getting money by protecting forests has rights an empty expectation. Distribution and dissemination information as part of public awareness were not worked well since the preparation stages. 

 In west Papua and Papua Provinces the interpretation of low carbon were vary depending on the organization background.  Some projects mentioned above that has in contacted with community are often mistake to use the more proper words in explaining what is the low carbon development are so miss interpretation we also occurred at grass roots as shown by MNUKWAR videos. 

So will low carbon initiative works in Papua and West Papua?

Make the foundation as noted in the documents as enabling condition should be a vital priority that the government needs to take soon. In collaboration with all related stakeholder sharpening this concepts into technical activities that measurable and verifiable are a urgent steps the government should takes. 

It is a big worry that the the initiative will slowly disappear with the slow down action that the government has.