My Ideas and Stories About PAPUA

Making the rich and beautiful resources in Papua become the social economic strength for Papuan has become the long home works. Many people believe that the early start to find the answer is by understanding how Papua looks like, their communities and their special strength. And it can be realize by directly in touch with them. This blogs provides you chance to touch and gets insight ideas, trends and stories about Papua.
  • Stories About Beautiful Papua

    Every Single Place In Papua Have Its Stories To Be Shared To Build Other People Understanding About This Island

  • The Last Frotier Primary Forests

    With 42 Million ha of forests, Papua play crucial rules in Indonensia forests development targets.

  • Women and Natural Resources

    Forests or land right are not only about Man. So understanding the roles women and the impact of forests changes to women are also crucial

  • Our Traditional Value

    Papuan Community Have Been Living for Centuries with Their Knowledge and Wisdom in Managing Natural Resources and Practice Best Conservation

  • For Papuan Generation

    Every Works We Do Now Must Be Dedicated To The Future Papuan Generation

  • Dependency to Forests Resources

    Practicing Good Forests Governance in Papus About Understing the Right of Indigenous People and Their Dependency to Natural Resources

  • All Are Wonderful

    You Will Get Good Scene That You May Not Able Somewhere Else - Only In PAPUA

  • Bitter Nut Is Papuan Favorit Gums

    Bitter Nut or In Papua We Call 'Pinang' Is The Local Gum You Can See In Every Corner of the Cities. Papuan People Love To Chewing It. Sometime People Consider It As Contact Material When You Travel to The Village

  • Papuan Traditional Conservation Practices

    For Centuries, Papuan Has Practicing Local Wisdom to Sustainaible Use of Natural Resources. They Have Traditional Education System to Teaching Them How To Interact With Human, Spiritual Power and Understanding The Words Of Nature

Kamis, 26 Mei 2016

Alarm....... Manokwari Darurat Sampah..... (Edisi Asap)......

Dalam postingan sebelumnya saya menghighlight bagaimana sampah menjadi perusak tampilan kota Manokwari terutama di jalan-jalan, parit, pasar, sungai bahkan laut. Kali ini edisi postingan saya menyajikan cerita sore yang saya tangkap masih tentang sampah tetapi dari sisi implikasi dari buruk tata kelola, penampungan dan pengelolaan sampah di kota Manokwari. Ya.... yang saya maksudkan adalah pilihan warga kota manokwari untuk membakar sampah dilingkungan mereka ketimbang ditampung dan dibuang ke TPS (tempat penampungan sampah sementara) atau TPA (tempat pembuangan akhir) yang sudah disediakan. Maklum TPA dann TPS sendiri tidak juga ditata dengan baik dan management pengelolaannya sepertinya juga buruk.
Photo: pembakaran sampah rumput di pinggir jalan. by: Yunus Y
Sore ini saya berkeliling kota Manokwari dan mencoba menghitung berapa banyak jumlah titik pembakaran sampah. Cukup mencengangkan angkanya, titik api sore ini mencapai lebih dari 123 titik bakaran dengan variasi pembakaran sampah yang berbeda-beda. Angka ini tentu secara akumulasi bisa lebih besar karena saya baru hanya berkeliling wilayah kota dan belum menjangkau tempat pinggiran seperti pasir putih, amban pantai bahwa sowi dan arfai. Ada yang saya temukan membakar sampah plastik, ada yang membakar sisa dampur berupa bahan organik, ada yang membakar sampah berupa sisa rumput dan ada pula yang membakar sampah bekas ban/karet. Kira-kira apa dampak langsungnya ya? Sudah pasti kualitas udara yang sangat kotor sebagai akibat dari akumulasi gas dan asap kotor yang dilepas keudara selama proses pembakaran. Saya pun berpikir dan bertanya kira-kira Manokwari dengan kota yang dikerumuni pepopohon masih cukup sehatkah apabila yang dihirup disore hari adalah udara kotor dari asap buangan pembakaran sampah? Bagaimana kualitas kesehatan kita kira-kira?

Di tengah ketidaksadaran semua pihak terhadap sampah dan dampaknya serta makin menumpuknya jumlah sampah dan tingginya pembakaran yang dilakukan pemerintah sendiri cenderung belum beraksi banyak. Indeks kualitas udara saja tidak kelihatan dan tidak terpasang sehingga kita masyarakat sendiri tidak sadar apakah udara yang mereka hirup di kota setiap sore adalah udara bersih atau udara yang sebenarnya sudah tidak sehat? Implikasi dari asap terhadap masalah pernapasan mungkin belum diketahui angkanya tetapi dugaan saya angkanya cukup besar dengan cara masyarakat membakar sampah yang mereka punya - mungkin menarik untuk mengetahui catatan dari puskesmas atau rumah sakit yang ada di manokwari tentang jumlah pasien penderita penyakit pernafasan.

.........Manokwari darurat sampah, Manokwari darurat asap pembakaran sampah........ adalah pesan kritis yang saya temukan sore ini. Melakukan evaluasi dan perubahan total terhadap tata kelola pengelolaan sampah di kota Injil menjadi kebutuhan tindakan emergency yang harus dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah merespon situasi yang sudah darurat ini. Selain pemerintah, masyarakat juga perlu secara sadar melihat pentingnya pemeliharaan lingkungan hidup, mengumpulkan sampah dan mengurangi pembakaran.

Senin, 23 Mei 2016

Menguji Berjalannya satu Inisiative Hutan Desa di Indonesia: Sebuah Bahan untuk Fasilitator!

Kebijakan perhutanan sosial di era president Jokowi memberikan target yang besar yaitu tercapainya 12,7 juta ha areal kerja untuk implementasi skema hutan desa (HD), Hutan Kemasyarakatan (HKM) dan Hutan Tanaman Rakyat (HTR) oleh beberapa pihak dinilai positive tetapi ambisius dan tidak realistis ditengah persoalan tata kelola hutan yang masih belum selesai. Selain itu pendampingan dan fasiltasi semua pihak terhadap beberapa pilot dan designated areas untuk perhutanan sosial yang ada sekarang juga belum optimal membuat kita untuk tentu perlu melihat kembali keseriusan fasilitasi di tingkat lapangan untuk memastikan target yang ada tidak hanya target ditutup dengan pidato politis tetapi laporan realisasi proses dan keberhasilan di lapangan. Karena seyogyanya kebijakan ini sangat strategis untuk membantu masyarakat didalam dan sekitar hutan mengakses sumber daya alam, dikelola untuk menjawab kebutuhan peningkatan kesejahteraannya.

Hutan Desa misalnya dipandang sebagai sebuah angin segar bagi komunitas atau desa/kampung yang berada pada kawasan hutan dengan fungsi produksi dan lindung. Untuk wilayah-wilayah seperti Kalimantan, Sumatera, Sulawesi dan Papua dengan tutupan hutan primer dengan fungsi lindung dan produksi yang luas tentu melihat ini sebagai sebuah peluang untuk mengimplementasikan perjuangan lama konsep PHBM di dalam kawasan hutan negara. Beberapa model hutan desa kemudian di inisiasi. Dominan difasilitasi oleh CSO/NGO lingkungan. Papua sendiri saat ini tercatat ada 3 hutan desa yang sudah ditetapkan sejak Tahun 2014 yaitu Hutan Desa Esania di Kaimana dengan luas 11,005 ha, Hutan Desa Sira dan Hutan Desa Manggroholo di Sorong Selatan dengan total luasan 3,800 ha. Proses legal penetapan areal kerja sampai pra kondisi penyiapan masyarakat sudah juga dijalankan dengan harapan besar Hutan desa memberikan manfaat balik kepada masyarakat di kampung yang mengusulkan.

Aspek legal, teknis dan bussiness yang padat dari Hutan Desa juga sangat dipengaruhi oleh bagaimana kesiapan sosial kelembagaan yang ada di tingkat kampung/desa. Serta bagaimana peran dominan seorang fasilitator memfasiltasi keseluruhan proses dilapangan. Sorong Selatan dan Kaimana di Papua bagi saya sebuah contoh dan pelajaran penting untuk merumuskan pola dan mekanisme intervensi HD yang tepat untuk Papua. Kelemahan-kelemahan dan kekurangan pada aspek krusial hutan desa di tingkat kampung tentu perlu terus dilihat sebagai sebuah titik kebocoran yang perlu ditambal untuk memastikan HD berjalan optimal. Pengalaman Sorong Selatan dan Kaimana telah memberikan saya satu paket pertanyaan yang saya sebutkan sebagai "Menguji Berjalananya satu Inisiative Hutan Desa di Indonesia". Paket pertanyaan ini adalah rangkuman beberapa pertanyaan yang muncul di kepala saya berdasarkan pengalaman fasilitasi di Kaimana dan fasilitasi yang dilakukan oleh teman-teman di Sorong Selatan. Daftar pertanyaan tersebut saya sajikan didalam file word berikut DOWNLOAD. silahkan di download untuk membantu semua pihak yang konsen terhadap pembangunan hutan desa.

Berbagai panduan praktis sudah disiapkan untuk secara sederhana kita menguji sebuah proses fasilitasi hutan desa. Tetapi memiliki sebuah alat uji dengan rangkaian pertanyaan mungkin bisa membantu kita untuk terus melihat, mefasilitasi dan mengukur titik capaian dan progress yang sudah dilalui dari sebuah proses hutan desa.

Jumat, 20 Mei 2016

Indigenous Moi People Refuse the Oilpalm Expantion

Sorong, 20 May 2016. Hundreds of Moi customary people in the big groups of young and old came and banged the doors of Parliament of Sorong District West Papua Province, voicing up their aspiration to stop the oil palm expansion in their land. "Without Oil palm we can live in our land, the forests has provide every thing for us and has make us survive until now" says the group in a loud. They added "oil palm not create welfare but in vice versa has implicates to massive ecological destructive and changing in social lives".

This protest was the accumulative of Moi people anger to the government and Oil Palm concession that disobeying the rights of Indigenous Moi People those who has refused for oil palm existence in their land. People from Klayili and Klamono says that been witnessing the destruction conducted by PT. Henrison Inti Persada (HIP) in their land and don't fell any social changes in term of increasing of economic Income. David Ulimpa - the clan leader then added "we asked the Parliament to chase government taken out the license been granted to PT. Mega Mustika Plantation to converting forests in Klasow valley. Because the community since 2012 until now has raised their disagreement to the this investment plan". Beside PT. MMP they also refuse for the new established license for PT. Cipta Papua Plantation that hold 15,000 ha of oilpalm concession in Moi Land.

Charles Tawaru, Forests Campaigner Greenpeace Papua whose also joined in the long march said that "This protests was the representative of bigger voices of Papuan to says they not want Oil Palm coming to Papua. Because it has clearly destruct the foods plots, secret place, hunting areas and water catchment that are crucial for their livelihood and culture".

Community aware that they needs development and they support the government initiative to speed up the development but should works on the path that recognize the existence and right of the customary right holder. The coalition of big capital holder with the politician actor in region has only prioritizing their economic and politic interests but more often disobeying the right of People and has work bellow good forests and land uses governance standard. Even a big question about sustainability objective. Internal report of young Moi groups noted that customary community never involved in the legal administration and concession contract process that happened between government and concession. Compensation as cost of the early impacts are mostly the worse last step that the they will always do after the contract even though this mostly not counting double and long term impacts on livelihood and landscape the community will faces during and after the operation of the concession.

Adam Klouw, the head of Sorong District Parliament who received this protests together with several other parliament members appreciated the diligent and critics that Moi People has and noted that the protests have been addressed to the right institution. He was also cried because customarily part of Moi people and part of those who have land in granted for concession. He said "the Parliament will make sure that this aspiration will be pushing up to the higher stakeholder. I expects we could work together in keep voice up the problem so it can be solved soon".


Minggu, 08 Mei 2016

Gunung Meja - The Forgotten Forests Park in the City Manokwari

The silent un-managed beauty forests park would be the sentence I conclude after this holiday trips in Gunung Meja. Gunung Meja or in English we could say “table-mountain” is a designated public forests park in the city of Manokwari through ministry of forestry decree in 2012 cover an areas of 462,16 ha. Lays in the 100 - 210 m above sea level the park provides the beautiful spot to enjoy all the city and landscape of Manokwari that mostly developed bellow it. As a forests it is the home of different types of trees, epiphytes, birds, orchids and insects. We could easily found beautiful butterfly, wild flowers and orchids along the park that for me is the place to taking a walks in the hot sunny days. Tree canopy covers creates cool fresh air that people always feel in the primary untouched forests. But yes it is not well managed so many the facilities have broken and more sadly is the park is also become an alternative garbage spots for the people around the park.
Explored the history the park actually has exist since Dutch colony, Bosh Reselve Tuffelberg[1] is the early given names back in 1950 when it was designated as protection forests because of its crucial hydrology function as the water catchment areas. Then having several legally designation changes by Indonesia Government since 1963, 1980 and 2012 as Taman Hutan Rakyat (public forests parks) and be legally supervised by ministry of forestry through conservation management body at provinces level. In 1980 the name was changed into natural tourism park (Taman Wisata Alam/TWA), which designed as one of the recreation spot in the city that would also increase city income from tourism.

Major problem I saw is there’s no clear management unit with its duties that managed the park even though the legal decree has in place. It implicates to the situation where: (1) all the building are completely broken, (2) trash everywhere, (3) broken roads, (4) no sign, (5) no toilet, (6) no clear regulation, forbidden or any other action to control the areas, (7) no guards that collecting enter fee, (8) no walking track, (9) no wall that protects the park with its buffers area and (10) not clear who own the park.

Despite of its complex management problems, from what I found in this park the complete picture of steady forests, is working function on climates/temperature regulatory, hydrology functions and the home of high threaten biodiversity in city. The waters that clean and fresh for example is flowing without stop even in the dry season. I met some students of UNIPA (I quest they are from Wamena-the central highland of Papua) in the stream while washing and taking a bath, there is medium size pipes that taking water to several houses in the borders of the parts. As I continued climbed the hill, I found carts rocks holding big trees above it and for me this is the great point to enjoy the city even though high canopy density. The diversity index is also high in term of tree species you can see in the park. Several high price timbers such Matoa (Pometia, sp) and Merbau (Instia, sp) can also easily be founded here. Moved to the northern part the robust stock of palm and pendants will welcome you with their long spicy green leave. Across the main roads beautiful wild flowers decorating the scene. And I think this made me confirmed the publication I got from Prof Charlie Heatubun et all (2008) about the diversity of flora and fauna in Gunung Meja. They said the parks has 101 species of timber species in almost dominated by Matoa family (Pometia Sp and has at least 15 species palm, bamboo and pandan. 

Having a clear management body with concrete action and duty in managing the parks seems like the only solution to revitalizing the existence of park while maintaining the major function on hydrology. Its requires a comprehensive attention, action and intervention to makes the parks is benefits. Built this spot is convenient fresh and beautiful forests park for public should be agreed on common consensus. Emerging question now is who should move first to mobilize other?  In this scenario I think Government should be in the frontline on powering all stakeholder to move on. Papua State University (UNIPA) with plenty of forestry, social, institutional and policy experts is the vital capital that the city has to help the government and they partners in make the expectation become a reality.

[1] Sources, Max Tokede.

Minggu, 01 Mei 2016

Yarona Village in Kaimana and Their Customary Territories

Yarona is lies in the reef of the big Buruway river that extent hundred kilometer in eastern of Kaimana, West Papua Province. Total population are 354 people that mix of three indigenous tribes Madewana, Asenara and Sabakor with other groups such as Buton (south east sulawesi), Java, Maybrat (Sorong), Batak (North Sumatera) and Key (South East Maluku). Its position on the delta in which sea water and rivers are meet has be a blessing for the richest of fishes and shrimps. Same as the other local village in Papua, the people in this village are living with strong customary rights claim and high dependency to natural resources mainly fishing, gardening and forests products uses. Rights over land resources are recognized under each customary clan and its influence all the norm of resources management on it. But with its open access the village has also occupied by non Papuan people and create a harmony acculturation of social values and relation in community daily live.
Yarona Village - Photo: Yunus Yumte

Since 2015 responded to request from community to maps their territories, WEER (Local NGO based in Kaimana) in a partnership with Samdhana Institute have worked with community leader of Yarona villages to maps the customary right territory. Through a long process that took about a year the customary boundary map of Yarona village are finalized and approved covering almost 21,000 ha. They also recorded 9 clans that have a customary right claim over this village with Urina clan is recognized as the owner of the land where the settlement of the village. While the other clans include: Kawada, Sepbuana, Kawena Bada, and Geabi are spread in all over the village boundaries. Geographically this villages is bordering with Esania village in the North East, Hia and Tairi villages in the north, Edor is down in the west and Kaimana Sea in the east.

For the community customary boundary map is the tools to secure their resources. They aware that their land rights will be threaten  by current development plan and the increasing of land uses and forestry demand in Kaimana. And learning from the the community in Esania whose under supported by Samdhana and PERDU has initiated village forests, Yarona community are feel that having a customary boundary maps should be one vital capital in the early stages on fighting for their right protection. Forests function has strongly support what the community are worrying about because it clearly classified all the customary territories of Yarona community into majority Production Forests and Convertible forests while few parts in the bank of the rivers and the beaches are determined as Protection forests. Mangrove forests are also another treasure of this villages with its potency. But legally the village has been occupying by the logging concession PT. Hanurata Unit III. 

Fery Hutapea, the field facilitator and also a member of the community in Yarona village expressed that the community in Yarona is welcoming the maps and hope they can do something better with their land through this maps. The social study WEER conducted found that about 80% of community income are generated from extraction of natural resources with marine products are dominating the contribution with almost 70% while forests products only contribute 10% of total income. The community mostly harvesting non timber forest product such as nutmeg, rattan and massohi (tree for aromatic oil). WEER is noted that the maps and its basic social data are useful foundation for the village to stepping forwards with clear legal natural resources management. 

Customary territory map of Yarona Village - Credit: Weer - Kaimana