My Ideas and Stories About PAPUA

Making the rich and beautiful resources in Papua become the social economic strength for Papuan has become the long home works. Many people believe that the early start to find the answer is by understanding how Papua looks like, their communities and their special strength. And it can be realize by directly in touch with them. This blogs provides you chance to touch and gets insight ideas, trends and stories about Papua.
  • Stories About Beautiful Papua

    Every Single Place In Papua Have Its Stories To Be Shared To Build Other People Understanding About This Island

  • The Last Frotier Primary Forests

    With 42 Million ha of forests, Papua play crucial rules in Indonensia forests development targets.

  • Women and Natural Resources

    Forests or land right are not only about Man. So understanding the roles women and the impact of forests changes to women are also crucial

  • Our Traditional Value

    Papuan Community Have Been Living for Centuries with Their Knowledge and Wisdom in Managing Natural Resources and Practice Best Conservation

  • For Papuan Generation

    Every Works We Do Now Must Be Dedicated To The Future Papuan Generation

  • Dependency to Forests Resources

    Practicing Good Forests Governance in Papus About Understing the Right of Indigenous People and Their Dependency to Natural Resources

  • All Are Wonderful

    You Will Get Good Scene That You May Not Able Somewhere Else - Only In PAPUA

  • Bitter Nut Is Papuan Favorit Gums

    Bitter Nut or In Papua We Call 'Pinang' Is The Local Gum You Can See In Every Corner of the Cities. Papuan People Love To Chewing It. Sometime People Consider It As Contact Material When You Travel to The Village

  • Papuan Traditional Conservation Practices

    For Centuries, Papuan Has Practicing Local Wisdom to Sustainaible Use of Natural Resources. They Have Traditional Education System to Teaching Them How To Interact With Human, Spiritual Power and Understanding The Words Of Nature

Sabtu, 28 Oktober 2017

Acceleration of Customary Boundary Mapping for the Revision of West Papua Province Spatial Plan

Keys messages: 
  1. It is crucial for the government both province and district level to established the regulation that recognize and protect the rights of Papuan IPs and their assets in West Papua. 
  2. Sets up mechanism, procedures and system of integrating rights into official land use and forests development are crucial in West Papua to enable administrative security and arrangement towards right of IPs and their mission to manage their resources. 
  3. A multi stakeholder platform is urgently needed in province to works on acceleration customary boundary mapping (at tribes and clan level) and continues mentoring and capacity building to customary community organisation/assembly to be able to take parts in the current development demand.

Coalition of CSO/NGO in West Papua whose works for IPs Land Right issue on their last meeting has criticized the development and implementation of West Papua spatial plan that not transparent and ignores the participation of the public as mandated in National Spatial Plan Law - law no 26 of 2007. This plan also considered has ignore the existance of Papuan IPs and their legal right as regulated in Special Autonomy Law - Law No 21 of 2001 and it doesn't clearly regulate about the position, roles and benefits to the IPs. They also criticized that the plan are tend to reflect the interests of policy makers and natural resources extractor concession without build proper safeguard system to the community and environment. By the time according to them massive social and environmental destruction will happen if the government not doing quick revision, evaluation with this facts.

The conversion of Forests for the Residences Building in Manokwari 

West Papua Province Government is been challenged and called to re-build the proper spatial plan development that reflect both economic growth interests with the protection of IPs right and environmental function. This should works in participatory approaches by enggaging different stakeholder includes IPs in the development. Now days problem in poverty and inequity of benefit can become the starting points to reflects on the revision process. Stakeholder needs to come with the same understanding that "forests is about us, sustainability is about future and benefits is about community". In this dilemma, of course both NGO/CSO Coalition and government needs to seats in one table to discuss and formulates what tools do they use and apply to ensure the revision of spatial plan are reflected the worries about social and environmental collapse in the province.

CSO/NGO should also be brave to says that integration and acceleration of customary boundary maps can helps government get the information about community, their land uses practices and their vision of management. So land allocation, protection and production zone in the spatial plan also reflect to the community interest and their long term management vision. Customary boundary mapping has widely applied in West Papua for about 15 years with several key results. From my data, about 8 organization have worked for in the last 8 years and produced 1,2 million ha of tribes customary boundary maps or about 12% of total west Papua Province administrative area. As addition about 11 clans boundaries have also been mapped. Some of them in the cases of Sira and Manggroholo village in South Sorong, were used by the communities to get legal access to manage the resources in their customary territory. Of course the homework now is about mainstreaming and integrate mapping in the government agenda for spatial plan and the detail land uses plan implementation.


Spatial Plan and Demand on Land For The Development 

As the poor and backward region in Indonesia, the government has putting a lot of attention and funding to speed up the growth and access of benefit to the people. Infrastructure building, providing of public facilities and establishing of new autonomy region are came of as the priorities for Papua. Direct implication of this policy and priorities program are definitely in increasing demand to land and resources that support the the acceleration of the development and target of economic growth. Here the spatial plan playing it crucial roles to frame and regulate extent to which are land allocation can be applied but not create new social and environmental problem.

West Papua spatial plan has moved with the official judgement by the approval of Provincial Regulation No 4 of 2013. No proper consultation, public assessment and landscape check had been criticized as the act against the big spatial plan law. the exclusion of IPs participation for the Papua People Assembly (MRP) was the ignorance of the the right if Papua IPs. No information about IPs right was emphasized that government is not serious see Papuan as the land lord and owner of the resources - express the MRP representative in the CSO/NGO Meeting, 2014. This ignorance will lead to serious impact especially social conflict that may easily to appear when there is any development that applied in one particular areas with out proper FPIC and negotiation to the appropriate right holder.

It was an ironic; by the time IPs land right information are missing, the government prioritized the allocation of land and forests to the attractive concession by inviting them in putting their data and information. Allocation of forests function (protection, production and no forests allocation) are highly influenced by the active plan and on going demand from private concession. As reported by Forests Designation Body (BPKH) on their 2015 report that there are 18 active logging concession in the areas of 2,595,940 ha and allocation for non forests uses (plantation) in the areas of  356,436.10 belong to 23 concession.

By the time Provincial Government conducted the public assessment there was not any intend to seats with keys government leader and stakholder whose working on the ground to create project of forests allocation for community. Gaps between village development units, protection of communities assets and simple thinking of big concession driven on economic growth seem has putted aside the willing to to analysis on how pro community forestry or pro community land uses program must be included in the provincial development plan.

As addition to that the decentralize and village development priorities has emerge as another layers of spatial development challenge. Establishment of new village, sub districts and even demand of new province have and will directly implicates to the forests reserve and the rights assets of IPs. In the last 10 years at leas there about about 5 new districts established in West Papua of of which hundreds of new villages and thousand KM of roads are build to connect the region. Tablod article of 26 February 2016 mentioned another new plan in the national government to establish 10 new autonomy region (District and provinces).

Process of Developing Customary Boundary Maps in Baliem Valley - PAPUA

Customary Boundary Mapping Can Be a Tool To Help Putting Community Land Right and The Resources Management Vision In The Official Land Use and Forests Development Plan

Papua Special Autonomy Law No 21 of 2001 word no 43 has straightly note that Papua and West Papua Provincial Government must recognize, protect, empower and promote the the right of IPs and legally access to manage the resources within their territorial right. So putting customary right and and the resources management vision of Papuan IPs in West Papua Province become the core part of implementing special autonomy law. Maps with all detail information it can presented has been acknowledge as the best tools to realize this. Proper customary boundary maps can provide at least information about : (1) who are the right holder, (2) local traditional community zoning, (3) important place for community both social and economic, (4) vision of long term resources management and (5) agreement from surrounding community to prevent land right conflict. In many cases maps and mapping process has become a vehicle to build the social unity and consolidation within customary community.

Until today, from my inventories there are 6 tribes and sub-tribes in west Papua those who territories have been mapped - of which they cover are of 1,2 million ha and cross over all forests function regulates by the government. One of which is Maps of Knasaimos Tribe in South Sorong where community in the tribes had long experienced with massive illegal logging and become a victim of forests concession. Mapping was initiated to protect their territories and puts sustainable vision to manage it. Until today two clan in Two villages: Sira and Manggroholo have moving with they 3,800 ha of Social Forestry Sites designated in 2014.

What NGO/NGO are learning from Knasimos is maps has lead to bring community engage in official forests development agenda has helps community to sets the sustainable use plan to generate economic and social benefit.

Integration of IPs maps into official forests and land use development plan in cases of Papua Province have helps government to control the allocation of land, optimizing the role of community to monitor the implementation of any particular forest and land uses concession and a reference to assess the division of forests function. Village development, security of land right assets have emerging as the new discources that the province government will do by using the customary boundary maps been developed so far.


Sabtu, 09 September 2017

Ingin Tahu Apa Saja Pendekatan Pemetaan Wilayah Adat Yang Selama ini Di Gunakan di Papua Barat?

Pekerjaan pemetaan batas-batas wilayah adat dan tata guna lahan masyarakat hukum adat di Papua sudah berberjalan cukup lama. Tematik peta yang dihasilkan juga beragam mengikuti kebutuhan masing-masing pihak yang mengembangkannya bersama dengan masyarakat adat yang membutuhkannya. Tentunya pemilihan pendekatan mana yang akan digunakan beranjak dari berbagai pertimbangan, seperti misalnya tujuan penggunaan peta, sumber daya yang dimiliki dan keterbatasan-keterbatasan yang berkembang di setiap wilayah yang terus maju dengan inisiatif pemetannya. Secara singkat matrix berikut menyajikan beberapa informasi dasar tentang berbagai pendekatan pemetaan wilayah masyarakat dengan tujuan, pendekatan dan cakupan data dan informasi yang disajikan didalam peta yang dihasilkan.

Matrix Informasi Pendekatan Pemetaan, Tujuan Penggunaan dan Contoh Hasil Petanya
Tematik Peta
Pendekatan dan Target Capaian
Pemetaan wilayah adat skala luas  
Pendekatan pemetaan skala luas selama ini dipilih untuk menghasilkan peta batas luar suku dengan luasan yang besar dan terdiri dari beberapa kampong atau kelompok unit komunitas tertentu berdasarkan kondisi specific setiap komunitas. Output akhir dari proses pemetaan skala luas antara lain:
·        Peta teknis batas luar suku kesepakatan
·        informasi social/profile suku
·        konsolidasi komunitas suku/sub suku
Di Wilayah Sorong Raya, pendekatan Pemetaan Skala Luas dalam catatan Samdhana Institute baru pertama di implementasikan di Sub Suku Moi Kelim.

Facilitator: LMA Malamoi, AMAN, Samdhana Institute dan JKPP
Pemetaan Wilayah Adat Marga atau Sub Marga (Keret dan Mata Rumah)
Pendekatan pemetaan detail yang didalamnya ada kajian geneologisertasecara detail dan teliti menggali informasi tentang hak-hak marga atau sub marga tertentu. Pemetaan ini dipilih seiring dengan kebutuhan untuk menata ruang masyarakat untuk pengelolaan sumberdaya alam atau untuk kebutuhan resolusi konflik antar komunitas.
Peta Marga Kladit dan Marga Sremere di Kampung Sira dan Manggoholo, Sorong Selatan yang kemudian digunakan sebagai peta referensi untuk pengusulan Hutan DESA

Facilitator: Bentara – Papua dan Greenpeace Indonesia
PemetaanTempat-tempat penting masyarakat adat
Sebagaimana namanya, pemetaan tempat penting difokuskan pada identifikasi, pendataan dan pemetaan ruang-ruang penting milik komunitas seperti ruang budaya, ruang ekonomi dan ruang ekologi. Dimana ruang-ruang tujuan-tujuan perlindungan dan pengamanan terhadap ruang-ruang tersebut menjadi focus dalam penerapan pendekatan ini.
Contoh peta-peta tempat penting masyarakat di sepanjang Sausapor, Kwor, Abun sampai Saubeba

Facilitator: WWF – Indonesia Region Sahul. Kantor Sausapor.
Pemetaan Batas Kampung Adat
Pemetaan wilayah adat satu kampung yang mana fokus pada keseluruhan wilayah adat marga-marga yang secara adat hidup didalam satu kampung tersebut. Umumnya pemetaan wilayah adat kampung digunakan untuk tujuan perencanaan partisipatif pembangunan kampung, tujuan-tujuan penataan ruang administrasi kampung dan usulan-usulan pengelolaan potensi kampung yang dasar legal aturannya mensyaratkan lampiran peta administrasi kampung. Informasi-informasi yang disajikan didalam peta ini mencakup:
·        Batas wilayah adat yang sekaligus diakui sebagai batas administrasi kampung tersebut.
·        Tutupan wilayah kampung.
·        Geolokasi tempat-tempat penting milik masyarakat adat di kampung.
·        Informasi titik kampung dan fasilitasi sosial di kampung.
·        Posisi kampung dalam wilayah administrasi distrksi dan kabupaten.
Contoh: peta kampung Esania Distrik  Buruway Kabupaten Kaimana.

Fasilitator: PERDU, Samdhana dan JKPP
Pemetaan Indikatif Batas Wilayah Adat Suku dan Sub Suku

Pemetaan indikatif wilayah masyarakat adat mengandung pengertian kesatuan rangkaian kegiatan pemetaan sosial dan teknis yang dilakukan secara cepat, cakupan luas dan menyeluruhan tanpa detail fasilitasi teknis dan sosial yang padat untuk menyajikan data dasar tentang wilayah adat dan informasi sosial didalamnya. Pemetaan indikative wilayah adat dilaksanakan dengan tujuan menampilkan informasi dasar secara cepat tentang suatu komunitas adat dan wilayahnya untuk selanjutnya digunakan untuk fasilitasi detail pemetaan lanjutan. Pendekatan pemetaan wilayah indikatif wilayah adat masyarakat yang dilakukan secara benar dan baik akan menghasilkan beberapa data sosial dan data teknis sebagai berikut:
·        Distribusi suku, sub suku dan/atau marga didalam satu wilayah tertentu dan pola hubungan diantara mereka.
·        Distribusi kampung menurut suku, sub suku dan/atau marga tertentu.
·        Garis indikatif batas ruang hak suku, sub suku dan/atau marga tertentu.
·        Informasi sosial lain seperti pendidikan adat, kesenian adat dan pernak-pernik kekayaan intelektual adat yang menjadi simbol penciri dari komunitas adat tertentu.
Contoh: Peta Indikative wilayah adat Suku Abun dan Miyah di Kabupaten Tambrauw.

Fasilitator: AKA WUON, WWF, PEMDA Tambrauw dan Samdhana Institute
Kompilasi Peta Wilayah Adat Suku dan Sub Suku di Papua Barat

Semua pendekatan dan hasil yang diperoleh dari pemetaan-pemetaan ini tentu diharapkan menjadi titik maju dalam membantu masyarakat adat mengamankan secara legal hak dan asset adatnya serta memiliki rencana dan aktifitas pengelolaan yang berkelanjutan. Beberapa contoh peta wilayah adat sebagaimana di sebutkan diatas coba disajikan sebagai beriku ditambahkan dengan bagaimana peta-peta tersebut kemudian digunakan untuk kebutuhan pengamanan hak atas wilayah dan pengembangan lebih jauh untuk pengelolaan sumber daya alam didalamnya.

a. Peta Wilayah Adat Sub Suku Moi Kelim di Kabupaten dan Kota Sorong, Papua Barat 

Dimulai dari tahun 2013 hingga selesai di tahun 2014, peta Moi Kelim yang didalamnya terdapat 372 Marga dan lebih dari 80 kampung berhasil terpetak dengan luas mencapai 432,139.3 ha. Wilayah adat Moi Kelim membentang dari Kampung Mega Kabupaten Sorong di sebelah timur sampai dengan Kampung Matawolot di sebelah barat. Dan Batas laut daerah Raja Ampat di sebelah utara dan di sebalah selatan ujungnya di Sungai Klabra di Distrik Klabar. Pekerjaan pemetaan wilayah adat sub Suku Moi Kelim di Sorong Secara keseluruhan menggunakan pendekatan pemetaan Skala Luas (large scale mapping) yang diperkenalkan oleh Mac Chapin melalui ilmu besarnya di “Native Land”. Keseluruhan proses pemetaan dilaksanakan oleh Lembaga Masyarakat Adat Malamoi dengan Dukungan dari The Samdhana Institue, AMAN, JKPP dan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Sorong. Produk peta hasil pemetaan skala luas batas wilayah adat Moi Kelim Sorong disajikan pada gambar berikut:

b. Pemetaan Batas Wilayah Adat Marga Krimadi di Kabupaten Sorong Selatan

Selama periode September 2013 – 2016 kegiatan pemetaan batas Wilayah adat Marga dilakukan di Kampung Sira, Manggroholo dan Mlaswath, Distrik Saifi Kabupaten Sorong Selatan. Beberapa marga sudah memiliki peta Wilayah adatya mencakup: Kladit, Sremere, Krimadi, Kaliele, Kemesrar dan Woloin Difasilitasi oleh Benara Papua. Keseluruhan Wilayah adat marga ini adalah bagian dari kelompok komunitas Knasaimos yang luas Wilayah adatnya mencapai 86,000 ha.

2 wilayah marga diataranya yaitu Kladit dan Sremere di Kampung Sira dan Manggroholo telah menjadi pilot lokasi pembangunan HUTAN DESA di Papua Barat yaitu: Hutan Desa Sira dan Manggroholo yang luasnya mencapai 3,800 ha. Penetapan areal kerja sudah di tetapkan oleh Menteri kehutanan di Bulan Oktober tahun 2014 dan kemudian SK Gubernur untuk Ijin pengelolaannya sudah juga dikeluarkan pada Bulan Agustus Tahun 2016 yang lalu

c. Peta Wilayah Adat Batas Kampung Adat di Kampung Esania dan Yarona, Kaimana

Peta Wilayah Adat Kampung Yarona dan Peta Wilayah Adat Kampung Esania di Distrik Buruwy Kaimana menjadi contoh bagaimana peta kampung adat itu dilakukan. Secara total masing-masing memiliki luasan 14,000 ha untuk Kampung Yarona dan 26,205 ha untuk Kampung Esania. Peta Kampung adat didasarkan pada peta hak Wilayah adat dari marga-marga yang ada didalam kampung tersebut. Salah satu dari Wilayah ini pada Bulan maret 2014 yang lalu sudah ditetapkan sebagai lokasi hutan Desa dengan luasan 11.005 ha.

d. Peta Indikatif Wilayah Adat  Suku Miyah dan Abun Kabupaten Tambrauw

Selama 2015 dalam rangka mendukung finalisasi Raperda Pengkuan dan Perlindungan Hak Masyarakat Adat di Tambrauw, dirancang kegiatan kajian cepat dan pemetaan indikatif oleh PEMDA Kab Tambrauw bersama dengan mitra pendukungnya yaitu WWF, Samdhana Institute, Yayasan Paradisea dan AKA WUON. Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah pemetaan indikatif batas dan informasi social dari Suku Miyah dan Suku Abun di Kabupaten Tambrauw. Berdasarkan hasil pemetaan tersebut didapatkan bahwa  luas kedua suku tersebut secara indikatif adalah: 404,352 ha Wilayah Adat Suku Abun dan 259,250 ha Wilayah Adat Suku Miyah. Didalamnya tergambarkan juga informasi dasar tentang marga, tempat penting dan hubungan antar masyarakat yang mengikat soal hak atas tanah.

e. Peta Sebaran Tempat Penting Masyarakat Adat Abun di Pesisir Pantai Peneluran Penyu Belimbing, Kabupaten Tambrauw

Sebaran tempat penting masyarakat adat Suku Abun di beberapa kampung sepanjang Pantai peneluran penyu Belimbing di Kabupaten Tambrauw telah dipetakan oleh WWF Papua Bersama dengan Fasilitator lokalnya dan masyarakat menyusun perencanaan pengelolaan kawasan peneluran. Peta yang disajikan menampilakn informasi dalam beberapa pendekatan mulai dari polygon, titik dan garis untuk menegasikan tempat penting yang dimaksud. Pada tahun 2015 bersamaan dengan kegiatan pemetaan indikatif yang didorong oleh Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Tambrauw dilakukan kembali beberapa pengumpulan data wilayah tempat penting dari masyarakat adat di Suku Miyah dan Suku Abun.
 kompilasi data spasial hasil pemetaan indikatif tempat penting masyarakat adat dan peta identifikasi tempat penting di KAMPUNG KWOR 2015, Tambrauw

Peta Wilayah Adat Untuk Mendukung Pembangunan Di Papua 

Dengan proses yang partisipatif dan menyeluruh mengahasilkan informasi-informasi keruangan yang detail serta beranjak dari masyarakat, peta-peta wilayah adat yang sudah hasilkan harusnya dipandang strategis oleh Pemerintah Daerah dalam upaya membangun penataan ruang dan pembangunan keruangan yang berpihak kepada masyarakat adat. Peta membantu pemerintah untuk mengetahui right holders dari tanah di Papua. Peta juga membantu pemerintah untuk meenghitung dampak-dampak yang akan terjadi dari sebuah rencana pembangunan berdasarkan informasi sebaran tempat penting dan ruang kelola masyarakat adat. 

Sudah pasti langkah selanjutnya untuk mendudukan peta-peta wilayah adat yang sudah dihasilkan secara tepat dan membangun mekanisme bagaimana data ini digunakan adalah pekerjaan lanjutan yang harus dilakukan. Dan yang terutama peta bersama dengan semua informasi yang ada perlu dipakai sebagai informasi dan data penting dalam menyusun perencanaan pembangunan ekonomi masyarakat adat untuk mampu memanfaat aset adat yang ada didalam wilayah adatnya secara legal dengan prinsip-prinsip berkelanjutan.

Senin, 04 September 2017

Membangun Perhutanan Sosial di Papua Barat ? "Kita Harus Belajar Dari Kaimana dan Sorong Selatan"

Diskusi awal Pokja Percepatan Fasilitasi Perhutanan Sosial (PS) Provinsi Papua Barat, terbangun di Hotel Sahid Mariat Sorong Tanggal 30-31 Agustus dan disepakati beberapa agenda untuk difasilitasi oleh Pokja. Pokja yang sudah terbentuk melalui SK Gubernur Papua Barat No 522/105/6/2017 memberikan catatan baru upaya-upaya membangun ruang kelola masyarakat adat atas hutan. Pro kontra tentu masih tetap muncul. Sekalipun sudah terbentuk, masih banyak kekhawatiran bahwa kerja pokja dalam mengejar capaian luasan penetapan wilayah perhutanan Sosial di Papua Barat sama saja dengan "menggali lubang untuk mengubur diri sendiri". Di tuntut agar menjaga kualitas fasilitasi dan support yang intens pada kesiapan masyarakat adat sebagai object dan target program PS di Papua Barat ini tidak hanya dibanggakan karena kemampuan luas penetapan lokasi yang bisa dicapai, tetapi bagaimana lokasi-lokasi PS tersebut tumbuh dan berkembang menjadi unit-unit sosial ekonomi baru yang mampu menunjukan sinergitas pembangunan kehutanan antara adat di Papua dengan tata hutan yang disusun oleh negara. 

Pada titik ini, tentu beberapa fasilitator menyarankan agar Pokja mengambil waktu dan kembali belajar dari fasilitasi-fasilitasi yang sudah berjalan pada pembangunan site PS yang ada sekarang. Dua wilayah di Sorong Selatan yang masih aktif berjalan serta satu wilayah PS di Kaimana yang sudah tidak aktif bisa menjadi ruang belajar untuk menegaskan kembali rencana kerja pokja yang tepat tidak hanya pada mengejar penetapan lokasi tetapi memberikan layanan fasilitasi kepada lokasi-lokasi PS dan komunitas yang mendorongnya secara optimal.

Photo Hutan Kaimana

Apabil ditarik kembali, diskusi tentang Perhutanan Sosial di Papua Barat mulai berkembang sejak awal 2010. Diawali dengan inisiatif PHBM di Kaimana yang mencari peluang legal yang bisa dijadikan payung hukumnya. Explorasi kerangka legal pun sampai pada PERMENHUT No. P.49/Menhut-II/2008 tentang Hutan Desa. Dimana skema ini yang cukup relefan untuk menjawab jalan buntu pengelolaan hutan alam primer di Papua oleh masyarakat, karena secara normative pemanfaatan hasil hutan alam primer di kawasan hutan produksi dan hutan lindung diperbolehkan didalam PERMENHUT tentang Hutan desa ini. Cita-cita dan harapan besar kemudian ditempatkan pada skema hutan desa di Papua Barat karena ruang legal pengelolaan hutan alam yang diberikan pada kondisi dimana belum ada PERDASUS Pengelolaan Hutan Berkelanjutan berbasis masyarakat adat yang tersedia dan berlaku untuk provinsi Papua Barat.

Sampai akhir Tahun 2015 sudah ada 3 hutan desa di Papua Barat yang ditetapkan yaitu, Hutan Desa Esania di Kaimana dengan Luas 11,005 ha, Hutan Desa Sira dan Mangroholo di Sorong Selatan dengan Luas Masing-masing: 4000 ha. Pasca penetapan kegiatan persiapan pengelolaan dilakukan untuk memenuhi prasyarat teknis dan institutional untuk pengajuan ijin pengelolaan di kedua Wilayah. Namun perkembangan berbeda terjadi di kedua wilayah tersebut. Kesamaan pada pengalaman sebagai wilayah expansi pengusahaan hutan oleh korporasi besar diwilayah ini tidak serta merta memberikan semangat yang sama untuk mendorong kemandirian pengelolaan hutan di tingkat masyarakat adatnya. Proses lanjutan pasca penetapan SK Hutan Desa di Kaimana tertunda sedangkan di Sorong Selatan kegiatan tersebut terus berlanjut dengan target-target pengusulan ijin pengelolaan yang disepakati bersama masyarakat. Tentunya menarik untuk melihat lebih jauh kenapa kemudian perkembangan berbeda terjadi pada kedua wilayah tersebut yang sejak awal proses inisiasi difasilitasi aktif lewat support pendanaan dari Lembaga Non Pemerintah.

Lihat juga:

Refleksi, review dan diskusi dengan teman-teman pendamping yang dilakukan selama Tahun 2012 – 2017 menunjukan bahwa setidaknya ada 7 prasyarat utama yang memungkin pembangunan Perhutanan Sosial berjalan efektif di Papua Barat yaitu:
  1. Klarifikasi dan pengakuan hak atas ruang adat serta mendudukan pemahaman dasar tentang konteks legal pengelolaan sumber daya hutan didalam claim hak adat yang kuat. 
  2. Konsolidasi social, kepemilikan pekerjaan di tingkat masyarakat dan pembangunan pra kondisi di tingkat masyarakat termasuk penyamaan perspective dan visi business kehutanan di di tingkat masyarakat.
  3. Peran dan partisipasi aktif pemerintah sebagai aktor utama yang mendorong fasilitasi aktif semua pekerjaan terkait hutan desa di daerah. 
  4. Pemenuhan prasyarat teknis dan legal sebagai kebutuhan pengusulan penetepan areal kerja sampai dengan kebutuhan pengelolaan wilayah. Dinis juga back up regulasi daerah yang mendukung pembangunan Perhutanan Sosial.
  5. Kesiapan tenaga pendamping dalam hal pengetahuan issue, kebutuhan teknis dan teknis fasilitasi masyarakat. 
  6. Kepastian dukungan pendanaan dan prioritas support yang disediakan secara local melalui pendaan pemerintah 
  7. Potensi hasil hutan yang siap dikelola dan secara ekonomi memberikan manfaat untuk mendorong perubahan kesejahteraan masyarakat di kampung. 

Pendampingan dan support secara berlanjut dalam strategi transfer pengetahuan dan kemampuan kepada masyarakat dan konsolidasi internal di tingkat masyarakat untuk menjalankan pekerjaan Hutan Desa atas dasar kebutuhan adalah hal-hal mendasar yang tidak berjalan optimal di Kaimana. Kami belajar bahwa perhatian pemerintah yang minim, respon masyarakat yang masih melihat inisiatif hutan desa dari sisi project NGO dan gagalnya fasilitator menjalankan fungsi dan peran pendampingan yang baik adalah factor dominan kenapa kemudian hutan desa Esania harus tertunda proses lanjutan. Hal sedikit berbeda terjadi di Sorong Selatan, dimana proses pendampingan, peran aktif pemerintah daerah dan UPT Kementerian Kehutanan serta peran aktif beberapa masyarakat telah mendorong proses persiapan, usulan penetapan areal kerja sampai dengan persiapan pengelolaan sampai saat ini masih berjalan. 

Baik Kaimana maupun Sorong Selatan memberikan ruang dan kasus belajar yang baik untuk inisiasi-inisasi pengelolaan hutan berbasis masyarakat di Papua. 7 prasyarat pemungkin diatas perlu menjadi pilar dan rujukuan untuk menguji sejauhmana pilihan skema legal dan kondisi pendukungnya telah siap dan akan memberikan pengaruh penting pada pembangunan skema pengelolaan hutan di Tanah Papua. 

Aspek kemandirian pendanaan local dan mekanisme pendanaan yang harus dikembangkan oleh pemerintah untuk memberikan support aktif kepada inisiatif yang muncul juga menjadi sumber daya pendukung utama yang harus disediakan untuk mensupport keseluruhan proses fasilitasi hutan desa. Pengalaman Samdhana di Kaimana menunjukan bahwa untuk memenuhi semua kondisi pemungkinan diatas paling tidak membutuhan kurang lebih 2,5 milliar rupiah – 3 milliar rupiah untuk memfasilitasi pekerjaan teknis dan social untuk memenuhi kewajiaban legal yang dipenuhi masyarakat. Serta proses pendampingan yang harus dilakukan minimal 3 – 5 tahun untuk mengukur progress perubahan pada aspek social, ekonomi di tingkat masyarakat.

Rabu, 30 Agustus 2017

Feel the Fresh and Clear Water of "Kali" Sembra in South Sorong, West Papua

"Tanah Papua, Tanah Yang Indah.. Surga Kecil Jatuh ke Bumi " or in English "Papua is Beautiful Land. A miniature of heaven felt down to the earth" is some part of the emotional Papuan song "Tanah Papua" sang by Edo Kondologit (one of the famous Papuan singer). It is surely came from the fact of natural beauty, clear air, lovely scene and calm for relaxing that the nature is provides in Papua. Mountain, ridge, rivers, beach and sea are enormously rich and beauty. Here is my story about one piece of that beauty I'd captured during my August 2017 trip to South Sorong District of West Papua Province.

Kali Sembra.. Yeah... It is the object i meant. I was here for couple of hours enjoy the fresh water of this river after long three days project discussion. This was my 2nd experienced swim in this river after the 1st try I did in 2008. But for sure the feeling is still same. Sembra has growing become one of the most visited tourism sites in South Sorong. The green, blue, fresh clean water and coloured by the tight primary forests in around the rivers has blessed the river and the visitors with relaxing feeling and panoramas. The current of the river is also calm so it seems friendly for kids.. I found few kids were playing and swimming in the rivers it this trip.

Infrastructure Building

As the new tourism destination, the river seems got special attention from local government. Public facilities and infrastructure are built. There are several bungalows for rests, the rest rooms and a wall by the river for relaxing. Roads are also smooth and easily accessed from the city. The position of the rivers just few meter beside the main roads of South Sorong - Sorong has geographically strategic to attract the people to visit the river.

There is entrance fee charge for the visitor by local guide for Rp 5,000 per person. If you use a car usually they will charge you additional parking fee for Rp. 10,000,- per car. When i asked the guide where this money goes, they said it is for the land owners and for the maintenance of this tourism sites infrastructure. For me these fair prices compare to the beauty of the rivers and its environmental services we are enjoy here.

How to Get Here?

If you are traveling to Sorong - the transit city to visit Raja Ampat, it is just 3 hours by car through the smooth road heading to Teminabuan, South Sorong. The river is located in Srer Village, Seremuk about 3 KM before you reach Teminabuan if the can is coming from Sorong. Administratively this village is part of South Sorong District, West Papua Province.

But of course the price for hire a car is quite expensive for me. It is about 1,5 million rupiah for one trip. There is also regular car that cost you Rp 250,000 per person which means to visit to return trip you need to prepare Rp. 500,000. I usually recommend the visitor to hire the full day car in Sorong, which usually cost about Rp 1,000,000 without the driver or Rp. 1,250,000 include the driver. Usually we have to pay for the fuel to. So if you chose to do this way you just need to prepare at minimum 1,5 million rupiah for one day trip.

Accommodation and Food Nearest to the River

Some people are also though it was a long tired trip with 6 hours driver return trip so more often to looks for the accommodation nearest to the river. Of course as the new growing city, in Teminabuan there are several option of hotel and home stay that you can chose. Says Mratua Hotel, Sengget Home Stay and Hotel Nusantara that located in the central city. The rooms are okay for one night stay.... In this trip I was stayed in Sengget Homestay with cost for Rp. 350,000 per room per night.

Foods prices is also affordable. But be sure you try "Ikan Sembilan" the swamp cat fish and "Kepiting Teminabuan" or mud crab that become the icons of Taminabuan. Fresh vegetable and fruit you can easily find in the local market. Thease are always become my chosen foods when I travel to South Sorong. But be sure you get the place for cook the crab because usually the restaurant here in Teminabuan not serve this local crab in the menu list. 

Minggu, 23 Juli 2017

Traveling to Biak, Gets the Feeling of Fresh-Sea Water in Anggopi Beach

Taking one more day longer in Biak after program evaluation has came as good relaxing time to spend the day with lovely and beauty scene of nature. Biak as an island has been recognized  with it potency in tourism mainly the beaches and corals. If so fa people in Biak is familiar with Bosnic Beach, the expansion of Development and infrastructure has rapidly open Biak beauty.

Now I will share the impression about the Anggopi Beach. The beach that located in Eastern Biak and taking from the names of its village Anggpi. About 1,5 km long the beach are strength with long with sand and clean sea water accomplish the beauty coconuts trees growing along the beach. Few mangrove and sago trees with small swamp also accomplish the mosaic of the beach. The beach looks gradually developing to become one of the tourism choices in Biak. I think the sand, water, coral and fresh water mangrove are the combination of this plots make it become one of wonderful choice to be enjoyed while you're in Biak. In the windy season, the beach is also one of the best spot for surfing.

As described above Beside beach and sand, the fresh water pool of which 5 big sea water fish are living is the other scene of this beach beauty. The pool location is just in the north corner of the beach. Its water is mix formed by the filtered sea water goes in though the coral rocks and fresh water flown down from the forests that cover the island. There are a lot of best photo shot point that we can memorize the visit with beautiful background of Biak Nature.

Its not far to get the beach from the city in Biak. About 30 minutes by car or motor bike. I joined the FMU Biak Numfor trip today with a car. There are several option of roads direction to get this beach with good roads. No road to get the beach, most of the cars or bike will be parking in the village. Concrete path is build about 100 meter to get people to the beach. Vegetation of coconuts and sago are growing along the road to the beach.

Since it just recently famous, not much facilities are available. But the small wooden houses and bath rooms have help provide basic infrastructure for the visitors to enjoy the beach without worrying for this needs. Community in the area are very friendly and communicative when you invite them in the conversation so do not hesitate to ask them for something you would like to know. Some of the local people whose hang around the beach are the owner of the wooden house. They also selling coconut with the cost of 5000 rupiah per piece.

Transportation and Access to the Beach 

There are few options for you whose just in Biak for few days and willing to visit this beach: (10 you can hire an Ojek "public motor bike" for a day - make sure you made full day because no regular ojek drive here. It cost you about 150,000 rupiah. Or you can hire a car through a rental service in Biak. They cost you for 500,000 rupiah per day (without driver) and 650,000 rupiah per day (plus driver). These two option are available in Town, you just need to ask the hotel services or the friend you have to arrange this to make sure they don't charge you more.

Foods, Drink and Alcohol 

Make sure you bring foods and drink with you. Because no foods and drink are selling in this beach. But you can actually order coconut. For you whose likes alcohol you can ordered and try local alcohol called "BOBO" that produced arround the beach. You can easily find it by looks at the coconut tree. People in this village is also well known as the alcohol producer particularly for this kind of "BOBO".  

Selasa, 11 Juli 2017

Traveling To Manokwari: Abasi And Bakaro Beach, Two Other Best Spot for Snorkeling

People may curios where would be the best spots to spend the days doing snorkeling in Manokwari? If you are in the city, finding the recommendation might vary to asking it in local people around the city. You would lucky to get good answer from those who may love to do snorkeling but you may confused for with some answer. This information may helps you to find some of the best snorkeling or fun dive spots around the city in Manokwari.

Surfing in Abasi Beach Manokwari.

Today's story is about two beaches I explored last Sunday and spending almost half days in the water that bright with beautiful picture of coral, fish and sand in the sunny day. The beaches i meant are Bakaro and Abasi Beach. These two beaches are fully recommended for those who love snorkeling and enjoy the beauty of coral and fish. White sand, fantastic big corals and different colors of fishes are swimming just 1 - 2 meter bellow you.  
Abasi Beach Dirrection Maps

Its not far to get these two beaches because the roads are smooth with easy access point by bike or car. If you are staying around the city, you can take 'ojek" the public motor bike with yellow helmet. It cost you for 20,000 - 30,000 rupiah one way trip taking about 15 - 20 minutes ride. If you are visiting Bakaro beach, make sure you book the bike to come back and picked up since no much ojek are riding around this place. Unless you need to take about 1 km walk from the beach to get the main road where you can get public ojek. That's totally different if you hire it for one day.

See also:

No cafe or restaurant around the beaches so make sure you take the food and water with you. But since the beaches is just around the village you can go to the community and ask for water or get small shop around the village and get bottle of water. They are mostly friendly and will do a quick respond to helps you.

Bakaro Beach is also famous with if fish calling performance. Where there is one old man whose claimed can call the fish from the sea to come surrounding him. This become one of the icon tourism attraction of this beach and sometime people are curious about is and visiting the Bakaro beach to witnessing this performance. While Abasi is also famous with the big wave for surfing. There is Abasi Surfing club where you can hire the board and guide to do surfing in the beach in front of you. But yes, surfing is always seasonal because the weather not consistent sometime.

For me I always prefer no wave because what I love to do is snorkeling not surfing. :-).
Hope this information useful for your reference while visiting Manokwari.

Minggu, 02 Juli 2017

Traveling To Manokwari: How to Get Mansinam Island?

Mansinam is one of the famous island in Papua, this is because its reputation as the historical island of Christianity entering Papua in 1855 through two Germany Priest. Beside the religion background the beauty nature and its coastal and marine ecosystem are combination most expected sites to visits when travelling to Manokwari.

See also:

Mansinam Island Manokwari

Its not difficult to get Mansinam Island from Manokwari Town because it just few minutes by boat. There is a regular boat cost for Rp.10,000 per person waiting in Kwawi wood pier. It is always occupied by 6 - 12 people and will go regular when the driver see the boat are full enough. Sometime people chose to hire the boat and enjoy the trip alone and no need to waiting for other reguler passenger. For full hire it cost you for Rp.100,000/round trip. It cover trip round Lemon Island and stop in Mansinam and trip back to Kwawi pier. For one day hire it usually 300,000/8 hours but sometime the driver can charge more if you visiting some spot that quite far in the corner of the island.

If you are staying in some hotel around the town you can take the "OJEK - public motor bike with yellow helm" that cost you not bigger than Rp 20,000,- per trip depending on where you're staying or you can also hire a car to take you there. You can pay when you arrive in the destination. All payment are made in cash so make sure you have a cash in your hand.

Accomodation (Hotel) in Manokwari

The boat sail just 10 minutes and get to the beach port where cross with two Germany priest praying statue. This is one of the drop off and take in point for people who are traveling to Mansinam. Please note that the point to take the boat for the way back to town so you can still get the boats and get boat can recognize you.