My Ideas and Stories About PAPUA

Making the rich and beautiful resources in Papua become the social economic strength for Papuan has become the long home works. Many people believe that the early start to find the answer is by understanding how Papua looks like, their communities and their special strength. And it can be realize by directly in touch with them. This blogs provides you chance to touch and gets insight ideas, trends and stories about Papua.
  • Stories About Beautiful Papua

    Every Single Place In Papua Have Its Stories To Be Shared To Build Other People Understanding About This Island

  • The Last Frotier Primary Forests

    With 42 Million ha of forests, Papua play crucial rules in Indonensia forests development targets.

  • Women and Natural Resources

    Forests or land right are not only about Man. So understanding the roles women and the impact of forests changes to women are also crucial

  • Our Traditional Value

    Papuan Community Have Been Living for Centuries with Their Knowledge and Wisdom in Managing Natural Resources and Practice Best Conservation

  • For Papuan Generation

    Every Works We Do Now Must Be Dedicated To The Future Papuan Generation

  • Dependency to Forests Resources

    Practicing Good Forests Governance in Papus About Understing the Right of Indigenous People and Their Dependency to Natural Resources

  • All Are Wonderful

    You Will Get Good Scene That You May Not Able Somewhere Else - Only In PAPUA

  • Bitter Nut Is Papuan Favorit Gums

    Bitter Nut or In Papua We Call 'Pinang' Is The Local Gum You Can See In Every Corner of the Cities. Papuan People Love To Chewing It. Sometime People Consider It As Contact Material When You Travel to The Village

  • Papuan Traditional Conservation Practices

    For Centuries, Papuan Has Practicing Local Wisdom to Sustainaible Use of Natural Resources. They Have Traditional Education System to Teaching Them How To Interact With Human, Spiritual Power and Understanding The Words Of Nature

Senin, 26 Oktober 2015

Celebrating The Customary Reviving Day, Jayapura District Held Cultural Festival

Jayapura, October 25 – 2015. As a part of district commitment to reviving the customary governance, protecting it cultures and tradition and conserving the language the 2nd anniversary was Held in Tablanusu village of Depapre sub-district of Jayapura. Taking a names of “Festifal Bahari Tanah Merah” more than 20 dancers which some of them came from the neighbor country Papua New Guinea coloring and accomplishing the event. Men-woman, child and adults are in harmony performing a good combination of singing and dancing following the nice tradition music and song been performing.
On his opening speech Mathius Awoitauw – the head of Jayapura District said that “this is the commitment of the Government and all Jayapura people to shows that the cultures, tradition and all indigenous values are still alive in Jayapura. And they should become core part in achieving the development targets that the government has putted”. He then added that “This will be an annual event that the Government will conducts”. Attended the festival some keys representative from Provincial government such as the secretary of Papua Provinces and the head Planning Agency.

Besides the crowded and louds of music and dancing of different customary community performance, the Tablanusu village with it small rocks sand provides another interesting scene that people enjoyed. Most of the visitor were recommended to walk with barefoot to fells the natural therapy by the rocky sand. There is one of interesting fact that I learned was the local people said they can recognize a new coming people by the ways how the walks and sounds from the rocks because of foot. It is as what I saw that most people are walked without shoes or sandal. The beaches is also beautiful and clears, several corals spots in just short distance from the beach has also attack people to come and enjoy this beach.
On the other parts the 9 customary groups parliament in Jayapura were also shows the information about their groups structure, areas and products for sell. The boots of government institutions and local communities were also presenting more riches information about Jayapura, cultures and development products and some are also selling foods and goods form the visitors. At this event Bupati (head of the District) were also officially announced the establishment of 4 Customary Village (KAMPUNG ADAT) as the implementation of Jayapura District Regulation No 8 of 2013 About Village. Customary village means the customary governance and Indigenous Leader systems are the main poles in the village official development.

Minggu, 18 Oktober 2015

Opini: Paket Kebijakan Ekonomi dan Upaya Indonesia Mengurangi Emisi GRK

Melihat bagaimana Paket Kebijakan Ekonomi Indonesia dan Impactnya terhadap Pemantapan Tata Kelola Hutan serta Usaha Untuk Indonesia untuk menurunkan Emisi dari sector lahan dan Kehutanan?

Analisis untuk bahan diskusi lanjutan

Presiden Joko Widodo/Jokowi. FOTO: MI/PANCA SYURKANI - metronews/ 09092015
Dinamika ekonomi global terutama fluktuasi perdagangan international yang berimplikasi pada fluktuasi nilai tukar mata uang dolar terhadap rupiah secara langsung telah juga memberikan goncangan kritis terhadap stabilisasi pasar barang dan jasa serta penyerapan tenaga kerja di Indonesia dan melambatnya perekonomian dalam negeri. Merespon kondisi tersebut pemerintan pun segera mengeluarkan paket-paket kebijakan ekonomi yang dianggap ampuh untuk menjawab kepercayaan global market terhadap Indonesia dan mempercepat pembangunan investasi di Indonesia. Dimana kesemuannya diharapkan berjalan optimal untuk menjaga kestabilan ekonomi negara dan nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dollar Amerika.

Paket kebijakan Ekonomi Tahap 3 yang dikeluarkan tanggal 5 oktober 2015, misalnya mengarahkan prioritas kebijakan pemerintah pada pemangkasan perijinan. Sektor kehutanan[1] dan lahan adalah beberapa sector-sector yang dinilai proses perijinannya terlalu panjang dan perlu dipangkas untuk mempercepat pembangunan investasi di sector ini “Pemerintah memangkas 14 perizinan menjadi enam perizinan, termasuk membersihkan 9 peraturan menteri sebelumnya”.

Dalam kerangka upaya Indonesia untuk mengimplementasikan komitmen Indonesia untuk menurunkan emisi dari sector kehutanan dan lahan, paket kebijakan ekonomi ini dinilai akan menjadi boomerang dan dianggap kontrak produktif karena kemungkinan akan memacu perluasan pembukaan lahan dan hutan untuk menjawab kebutuhan investasi. Seiring dengan prioritas pembangunan yang didorong pada optimalisasi lahan dan orang untuk mendorong optimalisasi pembangunan pertanian menjadi salah satu indicator terhadap bagaimana kebijakan ekonomi yang berorientasi pada percepatan perijinan sector SDA akan menjadi salah satu pendorong percepatan deforestasi dan degradasi hutan dan lahan di Indonesia.

Fakta-fakta dan kasus meningkatkan pelepasan kawasan hutan di beberapa sentra hutan primer di Indonesia seperti Kalimantan dan Papua[2] yang saat ini juga di kepung oleh asap akibat kebakaran hutan untuk tujuan-tujuan expansi perkebunan[3] atau pemukiman tersebut mendorong kita untuk secara kritis melihat bagaimana implikasi paket ekonomi Pemerintah Indonesia terhadap komitmentnya mengurangi emisi GRK dari sector kehutanan dan Lahan? Perhatian dan keseriusan pemerintah Indonesia untuk menekan upaya-upaya penyelamatan bumi dari dampak perubahan iklim melalui kepastian kebijakan mempertahankan hutan sangat diragukan melihat trend yang ada. Kebijakan ini dinilai hadir disaat yang belum tepat untuk sector SDA karena saat ini negara sedang belum tuntas menyelesaikan persoalan-persoalan perijinan serta tata kelola sector pengelolaan sumber daya alam di Indonesia. Persoalan-persoalan krusial di tingkat dasar sperti urusan kepemilikan sumber daya, posisi dan peran masyarakat dalam pengelolaan sumber daya alamnya, kerangka penyelesaian sengketa sampai dengan kepastian hukum hak-hak komunitas adat belum juga matang disiapkan atau diimplikasikan di wilayah-wilayah dengan sentra SDA yang kaya seperti Papua, Sumatera, Kalimantan dan Sulawesi.

Kebijakan yang kontrakproduktif ini perlu disikapi semua pihak dengan baik untuk menjamin bahwa kebijakan pembangunan ekonomi dari sector SDA secara umum dan kehutanan dan lahan secara khusus tidak memperparah dinamika persoalan pengelolaan hutan di Indonesia. Dan secara bersama merumuskan kegiatan untuk mengawal atau mengontrol implementasi paket kebijakan ekonomi yang baru ini dikeluarkan ini.